Welcome to MUDCERTS! This repository contains a golang library and some example uses to sign and verify certificates that contain the appropriate extensions for use with devices that implement Manufacturer Usage Descriptions. This code is used as part of mudmaker.org to build mudfiles and to generate demonstration certificates.
Copyright Cisco Systems and/or its affiliates, 2024.
All Rights Reserved.
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import ( "github.com/iot-onboarding/mudcerts" )
func GenCA(ProductInfo) ([]byte, *ecdsa.PrivateKey, error)
func MakeMUDcert(ProductInfo, *x509.Certificate, *ecdsa.PrivateKey) ([]byte,*ecdsa.PrivateKey,error)
func MakePEM([]byte, string) *bytes.Buffer
func MakeSignerCert(p ProductInfo, ca *x509.Certificate, caPrivKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey) ([]byte, *ecdsa.PrivateKey, error)
func SignMudFile(mudfile string, signerCert *x509.Certificate,
certkey *ecdsa.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error)
type ProductInfo
func GenCA(ProductInfo) ([]byte, *ecdsa.PrivateKey, error)
Returns a cert in the byte array, its associate private key, or an error.
func MakeMUDcert(ProductInfo, *x509.Certificate, *ecdsa.PrivateKey) ([]byte,*ecdsa.PrivateKey,error)
Returns a product cert with appropriate MUD extensions, an associated private key, or an error. Requires the output from GenCA.
func MakePEM([]byte, string) *bytes.Buffer
Generates a PEM file with the header passed as a second argument.
MakeSignerCert(p ProductInfo, ca *x509.Certificate, caPrivKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey) ([]byte, *ecdsa.PrivateKey, error)
SignMudFile(mudfile string, signerCert *x509.Certificate, certkey *ecdsa.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error)
Takes as input
type ProductInfo struct {
Manufacturer, Model, CountryCode string
MudUrl, SerialNumber, Mudfile string
EmailAddress string
Usage: mkmudcerts
-cc string
Country Code of Manufacturer (default "US")
-mfg string
Name of Manufacturer (default "ACME Supplies")
-mod string
Device Model (default "Hornblower 2000")
-mudurl string
URL for MUDfile (default "https://...")
-ser string
A device Serial Number (default "SN12345")
Generates a CA cert, a CA private key, a cert with MUD attributes, and an associated private key.
Usage: signmudfile
-cert string
Name of file containing signing cert (default "signer.pem")
-key string
Signer key (default "signer.key")
Signs a MUD file, generating a detached cms signature with the output ending in .p7s of the input.
Usage: verifymudsig -cert string Name of file containing one or more signing certs (default "signer.pem") -sig string name of file containing DER signature. (default "mudfile.p7s")
Listens on http://localhost:8085/.
Input: JSON version of ProductInfo
Returns: a zip file containing all the certs and a signed MUD file.
- Currently only ECDSA certs with P256 are supported.
- Test cases.