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In this repository we learn the functions of git and GitHub


  • Install vagrant 'aws' plugin: vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
  • Install vagrant 'env' plugin: vagrant plugin install vagrant-env
  • Copy the .env_template file content to a .env file and insert the required keys.

Some Useful git Commands

git remote -v - Show all the tracked repositories

git remote add upstream - Adding upstream repo code

git commit -a - Record changes to the repository

git clone - Clone a repository into a new directory

git push - Update remote refs along with associated objects

Some Userful Vagrant Commands

vagrant init fedora/31-cloud-base - Create Vagrant file for Fedora 31

vagrant up --provider=virtualbox - Build and run the VM base on the Vagrant file data using VirtualBox

vagrant up <stage/dev> - creates and configures guest machines according to your Vagrantfile.

vagrant destroy -f <stage/dev> - stops the running machine Vagrant is managing and destroys all resources that were created during the machine creation process.

vagrant ssh <stage/dev> - will SSH into a running Vagrant machine and give you access to a shell.

How to install virtualenvwrapper on host

Install pip3 if not already installed. For Debian based systems such as Debian, Ubuntu Or Linux mint, run the following command from a terminal:
sudo apt install python3-pip

For Fedora based systems such as Fedora, Cent OS or RHEL, use:
sudo dnf install python3-pip

Once you have pip3 installed, use it to install virtualenvwrapper. Run the following command from a terminal:
sudo pip3 install virtualenvwrapper

After installation, you need to do some configurations to make virtualenvwrapper work. First, you will have to create a directory to save all virtual environments. Usually, it is the .virtualenvs directory in your home directory:
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs

Now you have to set this as the home directory for your workon command:
export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs

Next, you have to add some configurations to your .bashrc file. For Debian do:
echo VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON='/usr/bin/python3' >> ~/.bashrc
echo source /usr/local/bin/ >> ~/.bashrc

For Fedora based systems:
echo VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON='/usr/local/bin/python3' >> ~/.bashrc
echo source /usr/local/bin/ >> ~/.bashrc

Now, source the updated .bashrc file:
source ~/.bashrc

Once Your virtualenvwrapper is installed:

To create a new virtual environment, run:
mkvirtualenv name-of-your-virtual-env

This will create a new virtual environment and activate it for you. To deactivate the virtual environment, run:

To activate your virtual environment again, simply run:
workon name-of-your-virtual-env

How to use the database

In order to add new tables to the db, insert the respected SQL commands inside the 'MYSQL SCRIPT' clause in the boostrap script.

In order look at the db, run the machine and use the following commands: open mysql with the password root:
mysql -uroot -p

Use our database:
USE beyond ;

See which tables exist in the db:

See the table structure:
DESCRIBE table-name;

See all the values in the table:
SELECT * FROM table-name;

How to use isort

isort is a Python utility / library to sort imports alphabetically, and automatically separated into sections and by type.

Install isort package:
pip install isort

Create your python file include imports:

Run isort:

Done! The imports inside your python file is sorted.


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  • Python 46.4%
  • HTML 41.0%
  • Shell 11.4%
  • Dockerfile 1.2%