A curated list of awesome Chaos Engineering resources.
Chaos Engineering is the discipline of experimenting on a distributed system in order to build confidence in the system’s capability to withstand turbulent conditions in production. - Principles Of Chaos Engineering website.
- Culture
- Books
- Education
- Notable Tools
- Papers
- Gamedays
- Blogs & Newsletters
- Conferences & Meetups
- Forums
- Principles Of Chaos Engineering
- Chaos Community
- Chaos Engineering
- O'Reilly Velocity San Jose 2017: Precision Chaos
- The Discipline of Chaos Engineering
- Chaos Monkey for Fun and Profit
- Fault Injection in Production: Making the case for resilience testing
- Lord of Chaos - Becoming a Chaos Engineer
- Chaos testing - Preventing failure by instigation
- Orchestrated Chaos
- Choose your own adventure: Chaos Engineering - Video & Slides
- AMA Chaos Engineering + DiRT
- SRECON17: Principles of Chaos Engineering
- Chaos & Intuition Engineering at Netflix
- Mastering Chaos - A Netflix Guide to Microservices
- Too big to test: Breaking a production brokerage platform without causing financial devastation
- Inside Azure Search: Chaos Engineering
- Netflix, the Simian Army, and the culture of freedom and responsibility
- FIT: Failure Injection Testing
- The Netflix Simian Army
- Automated Failure Testing
- The Verification of a Distributed System by Caitie McCaffrey
- The Journey to Chaos Engineering begins with a single step - Bruce Wong and James Burns (Twilio)
- Chaos Engineering by Lorin Hochstein
- Aaron Rinehart - ChaoSlingr: Introducing Security based Chaos Testing
- Chaos Engineering - Casey Rosenthal
- The Road to Chaos - Velocity 2017- video & slides
- How Netflix DDoS’d Itself To Help Protect the Entire Internet
- 10 Years of Crashing Google
- Weathering the Unexpected
- SRECON17: Breaking Things on Purpose
- PuppetConf 2016: Chaos Patterns - Architecting for Failure in Distributed Systems
- Ship More, Sink Less - Changing Chaos Engineering and Distributed Tracing
- Cloudcast - Discipline of Chaos Engineering
- Software Engineering Daily - Failure Injection with Kolton Andrus podcast
- Responding to Failures in Playback Features with Haley Tucker podcast
- "Antics, drift, and chaos" by Lorin Hochstein
- re:invent 2017: Nora Jones Describes Why We Need More Chaos - Chaos Engineering, That Is
- Failure Friday: Four Years On
- Monkeys & Lemurs and Locusts, Oh my!
- Practical Chaos Engineering
- Chaos Day in the Met Office Cloud
- Cloud Native and Chaos Engineering
- Chaos Engineering with Kolton Andrus
- Chaos Engineering: the history, principles, and practice
- Embracing the Chaos of Chaos Engineering
- Designing Services for Resilience: Netflix Lessons
- Chaos Engineering: A cheat sheet
- How to convince your boss and make them say “Yes!” to Chaos Engineering?
- Why the World Needs More Resilient Systems
- Chaos Architecture
- Gremlin’s Tammy Bütow on the Business Side of Chaos Engineering
- Kubernetes Chaos Engineering: Lessons Learned
- Chaos Engineering: managing complexity by breaking things
- Podcast:Database Chaos with Tammy Butow
- LinkedOut: A Request-Level Failure Injection Framework
- GOTO 2018 - Breaking Things on Purpose - Kolton Andrus
- Why should Chaos be part of your Distributed Systems Engineering?
- Brian Holt - Chaos Monkeys in Your Browser What Chaos Engineering Means For the Front End
- Chaos Engineering: Why the World Needs More Resilient Systems
- QCon·Beijing 2017: The Practice of Failure Management and Fault Injection at Alibaba E-Commerce Platforms - video & speech draft (Chinese speech)
- Orchestrating Chaos using Grab's Experimentation Platform
- Breaking to Learn: Chaos Engineering Explained
- Chaos Engineering Traps
- Chaos Engineering - The Art of Breaking Things Purposefully
- Disasterpiece Theater: Slack’s process for approachable Chaos Engineering
- Taming chaos: Preparing for your next incident
- The Future of Chaos Engineering w/ Conde Nast
- Chaos Engineering For People Systems w/ Dave Rensin of Google
- Performing chaos engineering in a serverless world (AWS re:Invent 2019 CMY301)
- Building Confidence in Healthcare Systems through Chaos Engineering
- Break Your App before Someone Else Does
- Preparing for Traffic Spikes with Chaos Engineering
- Automating Chaos Engineering GameDays with Terraform
- Postmortem Culture: Learning from failure
- Problem Detection by John Allspaw
- New Paradigms for the Next Era of Security
- Cloud-Native Chaos Engineering
- Building resilient services at Prime Video with chaos engineering
- Chaos Engineering: Building Confidence in System Behavior through Experiment
- Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems -
- The Practice Of Cloud System Administration: Designing and Operating Large Distributed Systems
- Antifragile Systems and Teams
- The InfoQ eMag: Chaos Engineering
- Learning Chaos Engineering
- Chaos Engineering: System Resilience in Practice
- Chaos Engineering: Crash test your applications
- Security Chaos Engineering: Gaining Confidence in Resilience and Safety at Speed and Scale
- A Chaos Engineering Bootcamp for O'Reilly Velocity 2017 - Slides & Source code
- Your First Chaos Experiment
- Chaos Engineering 101
- A Primer on Automating Chaos
- Intro to Chaos Engineering
- Learn the basics of the Chaos Toolkit
- Build System Confidence with Chaos Engineering
- How we break things at Twitter: failure testing
- Run Chaos Experiments Without Risking Your Job
- A Guide to Your First Chaos Day
- Planning Your Own Chaos Day
- How To Install Distributed Tensorflow on GCP and Perform Chaos Engineering Experiments
- Monitoring Your Chaos Experiments
- Increasing the Resilience of APIs with Chaos Engineering
- 3 key steps for running chaos engineering experiments
- Exploring Multi-level Weaknesses using Automated Chaos Experiments
- Chaos Monkey Guide for Engineers
- Chaos Engineering for Serverless
- Network Fire Drills with Chaos Engineering
- Dev Ops Foundations: Chaos Engineering
- Resilience Engineering: Short Course
- The Chaos Engineering Collection
- PenTester Academic
- Chaos Monkey - A resiliency tool that helps applications tolerate random instance failures.
- orchestrator - MySQL replication topology management and HA.
- kube-monkey - An implementation of Netflix's Chaos Monkey for Kubernetes clusters.
- Gremlin Inc. - Failure as a Service.
- Chaos Toolkit - A chaos engineering toolkit to help you build confidence in your software system.
- steadybit - A Chaos Engineering platform (SaaS or On-Prem) with auto discovery features, different attack types, user management and many more.
- PowerfulSeal - Adds chaos to your Kubernetes clusters, so that you can detect problems in your systems as early as possible. It kills targeted pods and takes VMs up and down.
- drax - DC/OS Resilience Automated Xenodiagnosis tool. It helps to test DC/OS deployments by applying a Chaos Monkey-inspired, proactive and invasive testing approach.
- Wiremock - API mocking (Service Virtualization) which enables modeling real world faults and delays
- MockLab - API mocking (Service Virtualization) as a service which enables modeling real world faults and delays.
- Pod-Reaper - A rules based pod killing container. Pod-Reaper was designed to kill pods that meet specific conditions that can be used for Chaos testing in Kubernetes.
- Muxy - A chaos testing tool for simulating a real-world distributed system failures.
- Toxiproxy - A TCP proxy to simulate network and system conditions for chaos and resiliency testing.
- Chaos engineering for Docker:
- chaos-lambda - Randomly terminate ASG instances during business hours.
- Namazu - Programmable fuzzy scheduler for testing distributed systems.
- Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot - Injects latencies, exceptions, and terminations into Spring Boot applications
- Byte-Monkey - Bytecode-level fault injection for the JVM. It works by instrumenting application code on the fly to deliberately introduce faults like exceptions and latency.
- GomJabbar - ChaosMonkey for your private cloud
- Turbulence - Tool focused on BOSH environments capable of stressing VMs, manipulating network traffic, and more. It is very simmilar to Gremlin.
- chaosblade - An Easy to Use and Powerful Chaos Engineering Toolkit.
- KubeInvaders - Gamfied Chaos engineering tool for Kubernetes Clusters
- Cthulhu - Chaos Engineering tool that helps evaluating the resiliency of microservice systems simulating various disaster scenarios against a target infrastructure in a data-driven manner.
- VMware Mangle - Orchestrating Chaos Engineering.
- Byteman - A Swiss Army Knife for Byte Code Manipulation.
- Litmus - Framework for Kubernetes environments that enables users to run test suites, capture logs, generate reports and perform chaos tests.
- Perses - A project to cause (controlled) destruction to a JVM application.
- ChaosKube - chaoskube periodically kills random pods in your Kubernetes cluster.
- Chaos-Mesh - Chaos Mesh is a cloud-native Chaos Engineering platform that orchestrates chaos on Kubernetes environments.
- failure-lambda - A small Node module for injecting failure into AWS Lambda using latency, exception, statuscode or diskspace.
- aws-chaos-scripts - Collection of python scripts to run failure injection on AWS infrastructure
- chaos-ssm-documents - Collection of AWS SSM Documents to perform Chaos Engineering experiments
- aws-lambda-chaos-injection - A library injecting chaos into AWS Lambda. It offers simple python decorators to do delay, exception and statusCode injection and a Class to add delay to any 3rd party dependencies.
- chaos-dingo - A tool to mess with Azure services using the Azure NodeJS SDK.
- Chaos HTTP Proxy - Introduce failures into HTTP requests via a proxy server
- Chaos Lemur - A self-hostable application to randomly destroy virtual machines in a BOSH-managed environment
- Simoorg - Linkedin’s very own failure inducer framework.
- react-chaos - A chaos engineering tool for your React apps
- vue-chaos - A chaos engineering tool for your Vue apps
- Chaos Engine - tool designed to intermittently destroy or degrade application resources running in cloud based infrastructure. Documentation
- kubedoom - Kill Kubernetes pods by playing Id's DOOM.
- kubethanos - Kills half of your randomly selected Kubernetes pods.
- go-fault - Fault injection middleware in Go
- Proofdock's Chaos Engineering Platform - A chaos engineering platform that seamlessly integrates in Azure DevOps and has a focus on the Azure cloud platform.
- Pystol - Pystol is a fault injection platform allowing users to execute fault injection Actions in cloud-native environments in a controlled and prescribed way.
- AWSSSMChaosRunner - Amazon's light-weight open-source library for chaos engineering on AWS. It can be used for EC2, ECS (with EC2 launch type) and Fargate.
- kraken - Chaos and resiliency testing tool for Kubernetes and OpenShift.
- The Simian Army - A suite of tools for keeping your cloud operating in top form.
- ChaoSlingr - Introducing Security Chaos Engineering. ChaoSlingr focuses primarily on the experimentation on AWS Infrastructure to proactively instrument system security failure through experimentation.
- Testing Amazon Aurora Using Fault Injection Queries
- Azure Fault Analysis Service, see also Include controlled Chaos in Service Fabric clusters
- Security Chaos Engineering for Cloud Services
- Maelstrom: Mitigating Datacenter-level Disasters by Draining Interdependent Traffic Safely and Efficiently
- Simple Testing Can Prevent Most Critical Failures: An Analysis of Production Failures in Distributed Data-Intensive Systems
- Automating Failure Testing Research at Internet Scale
- Principles of Antifragile Software
- Why is random testing effective for partition tolerance bugs?
- Chaos Engineering
- A Platform for Automating Chaos Experiments
- A Chaos Engineering System for Live Analysis and Falsification of Exception-handling in the JVM
- TripleAgent: Monitoring, Perturbation And Failure-obliviousness for Automated Resilience Improvement in Java Applications
- Lineage-driven Fault Injection
- Antifragility is a Fragile Concept
- Chaos Engineering Security
- Security Chaos Engineering: A new paradigm for cybersecurity
- Security Challenges around Chaos Engineering
- CloudStrike: Security Chaos Engineering for Cloud Services
- Target: What is a Gameday? - Chaos Gamedays experience by Target.
- Codecentric: Chaos Engineering Gamedays - Chaos Gamedays by Codecentric.
- New Relic: How to run a Gameday? - Chaos Gamedays experience by New Relic.
- Dius: Gamedays resources - Resources for getting started with GameDay and Chaos Engineering.
- Gremlin: Gamedays - Resources for getting started with GameDay and Chaos Engineering.
- Gremlin: What is a Chaos Day? - What is a Gameday according Gremlin.
- Gremlin: Why run a Chaos Day? - Reasons to run Gamedays according Gremlin.
- Gremlin: How to run a Gameday? - Methodology to run Gamedays according Gremlin.
- Gremlin DB: Breaking Dynamo DB - Example of a Gameday with DynamoDB by Gremlin.
- Gremlin: Introduction to Gameday - What is a Gameday according Gremlin.
- Gremlin: Planning your own Chaos Day - Example of a Gameday with DynamoDB by Gremlin.
- Gremlin: Inside Gremlin 2019 Gremlin Gamedays Roadmap - Chaos Gamedays experience by Gremlin.
- Gremlin: What I lerned running the Chaos Lab with Kafka - Example of a Gameday with Kafka by Gremlin.
- Chaos Toolkit: Chaos Engineering with Humans in the loop - Article about Chaos Gamedays.
- GooCardless: All fun and games until you start with Gamedays - Article about Chaos Gamedays.
- InfoQ: Gamedays - Achieving Resilience through Chaos Engineering - InfoQ Presentation with experiences about Chaos Gamedays.
- Netflix Technology Blog - Learn more about how Netflix designs, builds, and operates our systems and engineering organizations.
- Production Ready - A mailing list about building resilient infrastructure and tools.
- SRE Weekly - Weekly Site Reliability Newsletter.
- Site Reliability Engineering resources - A curated list of awesome Site Reliability and Production Engineering resources.
- SysAdvent - One article for each day of December, ending on the 25th article.
- Gremlin Blog - Blogs on Chaos Engineering from Gremlin Inc.
- O’Reilly Systems Engineering and Operations Newsletter - Weekly systems engineering and operations news and insights from industry insiders.
- LaunchDarkly Blog - Continuous delivery and feature flags blog.
- Verica - Chaos engineering, security chaos engineering and continuous verification.
- Proofdock - Reliability, resilience and chaos engineering with a focus on MS Azure
- LitmusChaos Blog - Blogs on Chaos Engineering from LitmusChaos
- ChaosEngineering.news - Chaos Engineering newsletter. All things chaos engineering, directly to your inbox!
- Break Things On Purpose - Monthly podcast about Chaos Engineering presented by Gremlin Inc. Also available on Spotify, Google Play, and Stitcher.
- Chaos Carnival - A global two-day virtual conference for Cloud Native Chaos Engineering.
- Chaos Conf - A day of Chaos Engineering demos, expert advice, and connect with your peers putting chaos into practice at their companies.
- SRECon Conferences - The official SRE conference.
- LISA Conferences - Prominent conference about SysAdmin/DevOps/SRE.
- O'Reilly Velocity Conference - Prominent conference about Systems Engineering/DevOps/SRE.
- Chaos Engineering Community Meetup Group - Bay Area Meetup group for Chaos Engineers.
- London Chaos Engineering Community _ London Area Meetup group for Chaos Engineers.
- Stockholm Chaos Engineering Meetup Stockholm Meetup group for Chaos Engineers.
- Chaos Engineering Community - A collection of meetups across the globe about Chaos Engineerings.
- Conf42.com: Chaos Engineering - Chaos Engineering for practitioners and adopters - London UK, 23 Jan 2020.
- Kubernetes Chaos Engineering Meetup Group India- India Meetup group for Chaos Engineers.
- Chaos Community Google Group
- Chaos Engineering LinkedIn Group
- Chaos Engineering Slack Community
- CNCF Chaos Engineering Working Group
- CNCF Chaos Engineering Working Group Slack: #chaosengineering (slack.cncf.io)
- CNCF Chaos Engineering Working Group Github
- Chaos Toolkit Slack Community
- Litmus Chaos Engineering Slack Community
- Aaron Blohowiak
- Casey Rosenthal
- Mathias Lafeldt
- Nora Jones
- Tammy Bryant
- Bruce Wong
- Kolton Andrus
- Lorin Hochstein
- Peter Alvaro
- John Allspaw
- Charles Torre
- Russ Miles
- Aaron Rinehart
- Mikolaj Pawlikowski
- Rich Burroughs
- Ana Medina
- Chaos Engineering Retweet Bot
- Gunnar Grosch
- Adrian Hornsby
- Uma Mukkara
- Simon Aronsson
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