Sample project for Slack OAuth install by slack framework Bolt with Typescript on AWS Lambda managed by Serverless Framework
Article URL:
# node 10.13+ required
# 0) Create a new project with this template
yarn global add serverless
serverless create \
--template-url \
--path slack-bolt-oauth-install
# 1) Slack App Configuration
# Go to
# - Create a Global Shortcut named `Workout!` and Callback ID `muscle` in 'Interactivity & Shortcuts' tab (Request URL can be a dummy) ** DON"T forget to click `Save Changes` button! **
# - Add a Redirect Url in 'OAuth & Permissions' tab (Redirect URL can be a dummy) ** DON"T forget to click `Save URLs` button! **
# - Create a bot user @{bot-name} by clicking `Edit` button of `App Display Name` and input your Bot name in 'App Home' Tab
# - Click the Activate Public Distribution button in 'Manage distribution' tab after check "Remove Hard Coded Information" (cf.
# - Get Environment Variables from 'Basic Information' tab
# 2) App Setup
yarn global add serverless
cp _env .env
vi .env
# Set Environment Variables
source .env
# 3) Local Development
sls offline # local dev (or `yarn start`)
ngrok http 3000 # on another terminal window
# Update the Request URL for the 'Slash Commands' and 'Interactivity & Shortcuts' with the ngrok URL
# ex)
# Update the Redirect URL for the 'Redirect URLs' with the ngrok URL
# ex)
# Update the Request URLs for the 'Install' with the ngrok URL
# ex.1)
# ex.2)
# 4) Make sure it works on Slack
# Install your app from `Add to Slack` button by accessing `/slack/install` or /slack/user_install` endpoint
# Redirect to `/slack/oauth_redirect` endpoint after installing your app
# After install, check it works
# 1. Add app to a target channel for sharing training result
# 2. Try muscle command below
# - `お願いします!` of `スクワットしとく?` on Global Shortcuts
# 3. Check it works
# - Open the training reps modal
# - Select a training reps you clicked static select box
# - Select a training result you clicked radio button
# - Change to the status according to the selected training result
# - Share your training record to the channel you selected
# 5) Deploy to AWS
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx # Skip if you have already completed `aws configure`
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=yyy # Skip if you have already completed `aws configure`
sls deploy # (or `yarn deploy`)
# Update the Request URL for the 'Slash Commands' and 'Interactivity & Shortcuts' with the deployed AWS URL
# ex)
# Update the Redirect URL for the 'Redirect URLs' with the deployed AWS URL
# ex)
# Update the Request URL for the 'Install' with the deployed AWS URL
# ex.1)
# ex.2)