import csv in Intersystems IRIS using embedded python The analog of csvgen but written in embedded python.
It uses Community IRIS SQLAlchemy to make everything work.
USER>zpm "install csvgenpy"
w ##class(shvarov.csvgenpy.csv).Generate(filename,tablename,[schemaname],[server=embedded_python_by_default],[append=0])
Examples. Import from file: USER>w ##class(shvarov.csvgenpy.csv).Generate("/home/irisowner/dev/data/countries.csv","countries")
Import from URL: USER>do ##class(shvarov.csvgenpy.generate).Generate("","titanic","data")
Also can be called directly from python: $ irispython /home/irisowner/dev/app/
import csvgen
USER>zpm "test csvgenpy"
The repository is ready for collaboration using Docker
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
$ git clone
Open the terminal in this directory and run:
$ docker-compose build
- Run the IRIS container with your project:
$ docker-compose up -d