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An R Package to Assess and Categorize Production Errors in Spanish


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sunflower: A Package to Assess and Categorize Language Production Errors

License: GPL v3

sunflower is a package designed to assist clinicians and researchers in the fields of Speech Therapy and Neuropsychology of Language. Its primary goal is to facilitate the management of multiple response data and compute formal similarity indices to assess the quality of oral and written productions in patients with aphasia and related disorders, such as apraxia of speech, in Spanish. Additionally, the package allows for the classification of these productions according to classical typologies in the field, prior to computing formal and semantic similarity measures. For the computation of the latter, sunflower partially relies on natural language processing models such as word2vec. The outputs provided by this package facilitate statistical analyses in R, a widely-used tool in the field for data wrangling, visualization, and analysis.


sunflower can be installed as an R package with:


The sunflower package works using the pipe operator (%>%) from the tidyverse package, allowing it to work seamlessly with functions from other packages in the tidyverse, such as dplyr for data wrangling, readr for data reading, and ggplot2 for data visualization. This can significantly enhance our workflow.

How to use

Loading the packages

Once installed, we only need to load the sunflower package. However, as previously mentioned, the tidyverse package can also be valuable for other complementary tasks.


Compute Formal Quality Indexes

We can load a pre-loaded dataframe from the package, which is available for anyone interested in testing the functions. These dataframes include: IGC_sample, IGC_long_sample, IGC_long_phon_sample and simulated_sample.

df_to_formal_metrics = sunflower::IGC_long_phon_sample

However, in this example we are going to conduct the formal quality analysis using phonological broad transcriptions from a larger dataset.

formal_metrics_computed = df_to_formal_metrics %>% 
    get_formal_similarity(item_col = "item", 
                          response_col = "response",
                          attempt_col = "attempt",
                          group_cols = c("ID", "item_ID"))
#> The function get_formal_similarity() took 1.97 seconds to be executed
 formal_metrics_computed = formal_metrics_computed %>%
  mutate(test = str_replace_all(test, c(
    "BETA" = "a_given_test")))

Display some of the results from the formal quality analysis.

ID_general test task_type task_modality ID item_ID item response RA attempt item_phon response_phon targetL responseL shared1char p_shared_char diff_char_num Ld DLd JWd pcc lcs similarity_str strict_match_pos adj_strict_match_pos comment_warning approach_diff
1 a_given_test word_repetition repetition 1 1 sorpresa sorpresa 0 1 soɾpɾesa soɾpɾesa 8 8 TRUE 1.000 0 0 0 0.000 1.000 sorpresa MMMMMMMM 11111111 11111111 NA
2 a_given_test word_repetition repetition 2 2 banco banco 0 1 banko banko 5 5 TRUE 1.000 0 0 0 0.000 1.000 banco MMMMM 11111 11111 NA
3 a_given_test word_repetition repetition 3 3 reloj reloj 0 1 relox relox 5 5 TRUE 1.000 0 0 0 0.000 1.000 reloj MMMMM 11111 11111 NA
4 a_given_test word_repetition repetition 4 4 arañazo arañazo 0 1 aɾaɲaθo aɾaɲaθo 7 7 TRUE 1.000 0 0 0 0.000 1.000 arañazo MMMMMMM 1111111 1111111 NA
5 a_given_test word_repetition repetition 5 5 misterio misterio 0 1 misteɾjo misteɾjo 8 8 TRUE 1.000 0 0 0 0.000 1.000 misterio MMMMMMMM 11111111 11111111 NA
6 a_given_test word_repetition repetition 6 6 lima lima 0 1 lima lima 4 4 TRUE 1.000 0 0 0 0.000 1.000 lima MMMM 1111 1111 NA
7 a_given_test word_repetition repetition 7 7 pimienta pimienta 0 1 pimjenta pimjenta 8 8 TRUE 1.000 0 0 0 0.000 1.000 pimienta MMMMMMMM 11111111 11111111 NA
8 a_given_test word_repetition repetition 8 8 taladro talablo 1 1 taladɾo talablo 7 7 TRUE 0.714 4 2 2 0.114 0.714 tala MMMMSSM 1111001 1111001 NA

Note. Move the dataframe to the right to see all the columns and metrics.

Obtain Positional Accuracy Data

Apply the pertinent function to obtain positional accuracies…

positions_accuracy = formal_metrics_computed %>% 
  positional_accuracy(item_col = "item_phon", 
                      response_col = "response_phon", 
                      match_col = "adj_strict_match_pos")

Display the results of the positional accuracy analysis.

ID item_ID item response RA attempt item_phon response_phon position correct_pos element_in_item element_in_response
1 1 sorpresa sorpresa 0 1 soɾpɾesa soɾpɾesa 1 1 s s
1 1 sorpresa sorpresa 0 1 soɾpɾesa soɾpɾesa 2 1 o o
1 1 sorpresa sorpresa 0 1 soɾpɾesa soɾpɾesa 3 1 ɾ ɾ
1 1 sorpresa sorpresa 0 1 soɾpɾesa soɾpɾesa 4 1 p p
1 1 sorpresa sorpresa 0 1 soɾpɾesa soɾpɾesa 5 1 ɾ ɾ
1 1 sorpresa sorpresa 0 1 soɾpɾesa soɾpɾesa 6 1 e e
1 1 sorpresa sorpresa 0 1 soɾpɾesa soɾpɾesa 7 1 s s
1 1 sorpresa sorpresa 0 1 soɾpɾesa soɾpɾesa 8 1 a a

If we were to plot this dataframe, we would obtain…

Note. This plot depicts the positional accuracy of 58186 datapoints.

Classify Errors

Following the necessary steps to classify the errors correctly.

errors_classified = df_to_classify %>% 
  check_lexicality(item_col = "item", response_col = "response", criterion = "database") %>%
  get_formal_similarity(item_col = "item", response_col = "response", 
                        attempt_col = "attempt", group_cols = c("ID", "item_ID")) %>%
  get_semantic_similarity(item_col = "item", response_col = "response", model = m_w2v) %>%
  classify_errors(response_col = "response", item_col = "item",
                  access_col = "accessed", RA_col = "RA", also_classify_RAs = T)
#> The function check_lexicality() took 1.00 seconds to be executed
#> The function get_formal_similarity() took 1.31 seconds to be executed
#> The function get_semantic_similarity() took 1.47 seconds to be executed
#> The function classify_errors() took 1.50 seconds to be executed

Display the classification that was conducted.

ID item_ID item response RA attempt correct nonword neologism formal unrelated mixed semantic no_response check_comment
505 29 tijeras tijera 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1656 43 regadera regadera 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
273 4 montaña montaña 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
785 29 tijeras tigera 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1646 33 destornillador desco 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
760 4 montaña montoño 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
132 8 jirafa jirafa 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 14 suplente suplente 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
405 36 repollo repollo 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Notes. Move the dataframe to the right to see all the columns and errors.

sunflower allows for the classification of production errors once some indexes related to responses to a stimulus have been obtained and contextualized based on whether they come from repeated attempts or single productions. This process involves three steps.

First, a lexicality check of the response is performed using the check_lexicality() function, which involves determining whether the response is a real word. To do this, the package searches for the response in a database such as BuscaPalabras (BPal) and compares its frequency with the target word to determine if it is a real word based on whether it has a higher frequency or not when the parameter criterion = "database" is set. Alternatively, the response can be checked against a dictionary (sunflower searches for responses among entries from the Real Academia Española, RAE) when the parameter criterion = "dictionary" is used.

Next, similarity measures between the targets and the responses are obtained using various algorithms within the get_formal_similarity() function. Finally, the cosine similarity between the two productions is computed if possible using the get_semantic_similarity() function, based on an NLP model. In our case, the parameter model = m_w2v refers to a binary file containing a Spanish Billion Words embeddings corpus created using the word2vec algorithm. This file is included in the zip file (for more information, see the markdown in the vignettes) located within the dependency-bundle zip, which can be found in our supplementary OSF mirror repository.

Making it faster - A guided usage tutorial

Before continuing, it is worth mentioning that there is a file that allows executing all the functions relatively quickly as a sample, which can be downloaded from its link in our OSF. This can be helpful for both novice users and those who want to explore the package’s functionalities in a more straightforward and/or faster way. Users would only need to run the code presented in the script in the link and would require the word2vec model made available in the dependency-bundle zip.

Thanks to Cristian Cardellino for making his work on the Spanish Billion Word Corpus and Embeddings publicly available.

Any suggestions, comments, or questions about the package’s functionality are warmly welcomed. If you’d like to contribute to the project, please feel free to get in touch. 🌻