These assignments will help you sharpen your web-d skills follow up of webdevs-guide.
If you have already read this page visit assignments list.
The assignments are unique as they present hypothetical yet practical scenarios, that seem intuitive.
The assignments have increasing level of difficulty as you go on following one assignment. Initially, assignments have mentioned what you need to study, in order to complete a challenge, but as you go on progressing, such assignments are seldom.
You can follow assignments on your own or enroll for mentorship under Team ISTE.
Under mentorship you will be guided about best practices that would make your code better and you can ask for help if you get stuck.
Only valid if you are in support period (currently only for ISTE members)
Fork the GitHub repository webdevs-assignments
Raise an issue, on the main project page on GitHub*(search online)*. Stating that you want to enroll for mentorship. You will be assigned a mentor, but anyone from Team ISTE can help you.
The purpose of your fork is to enable you to share your code for feedback.
Ask your doubts on main assignments repository webdevs-assignments so that others having the same problem don't have to ask same question again.
Most of the time you would be pointed towards the link where that problem is addressed. But you can always follow up, if doubts persist.
If your problem is resolved, your issue will be closed and will be tagged as [SOLVED]
- Make sure you have already googled it.
- Searched in [SOLVED] issues of assignments.
- Screen shot of the problem would be very helpful with a description.
Start solving problems on learn
branch you create on your system.
Create account on GitHub and setup git on your computer by running following commands on terminal
git config --global your_github_username
git config --global your_email_address
Fork the repository
Clone your fork by running following command on terminal replace with your GitHub username
git clone
Create a branch named learn
and checkout learn
git branch learn
git checkout learn
or one-liner
git checkout -b learn
Contents of this branch would be same as master
branch, but we don't need that
Thus delete all file on this branch (Never do this again)
To do that run following command
rm -r *
Now you're good to go! To add your solution for assignment-N (N is a number)
make directory with
mkdir assignment-N
or using file explorer, save your markup.html
in related
assignment folder.
After you you complete the assignment or if you face any problem and try to get help, update your online repository with following commands.
add all changes
git add .
confirm all changes
git commit -m "Your message here; descrbing your commit;"
push all changes to remote repository
First time
git push -u origin learn
Not first time
git push origin learn
- Never change branch unless you want to submit your solution or submit a problem.
An easy way to learn to write good code is to study good code. Hence we will also host a solutions branch where solutions to the problems will be hosted. The solutions will be selected on First Come First Serve basis when qualifying the criteria of optimum solution.
You can also suggest changes to pre-existing solutions.
You can also submit and rectify problems, those are held on master
for more details.
As you have read this page, you should visit assignments list.