Author: it-joe
Configures an existing tenant for demo purposes. Includes rich, demo-ready sample content (document libraries, emails, OneDrive contents, Yammer posts, etc.).
- Configure your Office 365 trial subscription: - Add a Microsoft 365 E5 trial subscription: - Install the Azure Active Directory PowerShell for Graph:
PS> Install-Module AzureAD
- Install the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell:
PS> Install-Module MSOnline
- Install the 64-bit version of the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant:
PowerShell Core does not support the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell module and cmdlets with Msol in their name.
Therefore, please use Windows PowerShell 5.1 for installing above modules and to run the MS365DemoTenant module.
Once cloned, you can import the module using:
PS> Import-Module <PathToRepo>\MS365DemoTenant