This updates fixes the max plant issues and some errors regarding to qb-core and ox_inventory
If you are using ox_inventory please update all it-drugs items!
You can find the new list in the docs:
Make also sure that the name of the it-drugs folder ist it-drugs
Files to change:
- Please update all files
(You don´t have to replace your config.lua)
Bug Fixes
- The script is now counting the plants of the player
- Old ox_inventory version should no work with it-drugs
- Update the drug handling
- Edit the armor drug effect (https://docs.it-scripts.com/it-drugs/adjustments/drugs#all-possible-drug-effects)
- Moved function to function.lua
What's Changed
- Implement ox_inventory exports by @AllRoundJonU in #42
- Updated drug use by @AllRoundJonU in #43
- fix getPlantsOwned by @AllRoundJonU in #41
- V1.3.2 by @AllRoundJonU in #44
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...1.3.2