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Read the documentation here.

Package is located at Pypi.

Usage for Orchestrator admins

This module is used to run Orchestrator or Scheduler from the command line.

python -m OpenOrchestrator -o for orchestrator.

python -m OpenOrchestrator -s for scheduler.

Usage for RPA developers

Import the connection module to your RPA code and get access to the orchestrator methods;

  • logging status to OpenOrchestrator
  • getting credentials and constants from OpenOrchestrator
  • creating, getting and updating job elements in a queue

Run the code with arguments

python "<process name>" "<connection string>" "<secret key>" "<arguments>"
# connect to OpenOrchestrator and log something
from OpenOrchestrator.orchestrator_connection.connection import OrchestratorConnection

oc = OrchestratorConnection.create_connection_from_args()
oc.log_trace("open orchestrator connected.")


Requires Python 3.10 or later.

Install using pip install OpenOrchestrator


Before running the tests you need to define the connection string to your test database as a environment variable:

SET CONN_STRING= *connection string here*

Examples of connection strings:

  • mssql+pyodbc://localhost\SQLEXPRESS/OO_Unittest?driver=ODBC+Driver+17+for+SQL+Server
  • sqlite+pysqlite:///test_db.db

To run tests execute the following command from the main directory:

python -m unittest discover