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Tim Kurdov edited this page Apr 4, 2024 · 2 revisions

shrimple utilises a subset of HTML, with the following fundamental restriction:
All elements must be either self-closing, or have a closing tag

  • Self-closing element:
<!DOCTYPE html />
  • Element with a closing tag:
<b>It's as shrimple as that</b>

This brings consistency to the infamously irregular HTML syntax & makes the resulting DOM more predictable. Being a subset of HTML means that all existing tooling for syntax highlighting & auto-completion in HTML can be used just as efficiently for shrimple templates. Because arbitrary text is valid HTML and is treated as a text node, shrimple templates can be used in a text file of any format: CSS, JS, etc.

The shrimple elements

All elements that are processed during building have their names prefxied with $. Those will get replaced with the contents they evaluate it to:

  • <$lua> will expand to the return value of the Lua code;
  • <$ref> will expand to nothing (as it's used only for defining a variable);
  • any defined template will expand to its children.

The $

A stray dollar sign in an attribute value or in free text is a shortcut for a <$lua> element.
$VAR expands to the value of the variable VAR, equivalent to <$lua>VAR</$lua>
$(...) expands to the return value of the Lua code inside the parenthese, equivalent to <$lua>...</$lua>

An example of $ syntax in HTML attribute value position and in free text:

$(CLASS = "cool-class")
<div class=$CLASS>$( "I'm styled with a class " .. CLASS )</div>

An example of $ syntax inside a string literal value of an HTML attribute:

$(CLASS = "cool-class")
<div class="$CLASS another-cool-class">Hello, World!</div>
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