A tool for create specified invalid parameters for tests in bicoin.
For run a regtest, with the bitcoin binaries installed
bitcoind -regetst
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/j-moreno-c-r/Misfit_core
Enter the directory
cd Misfit_core
Create a python venv to install dependecies
python3 -m venv .venv
activate the venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install the dependencies
pip install .
And run like a normal cli
Usage: misfit-core [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
- createblock Create a block with invalid specified parameters
- createtx Create transaction with invalid specified parameters
- --help Show this help message
Create a block with invalid specified parameters
Usage: misfit-core createblock [OPTIONS]
--help Show this help message
--version Set the block version as random invalid parameter
--prevblock Set the previous block hash as random invalid parameter
--merkleroot Set the merkle root as random invalid parameter
--timestamp Set the timestamp as random invalid parameter
--bits Set the bits as random invalid parameter
--nonce Set the nonce as random invalid parameter
--tx_count Set a number of transactions in block
--invalid_tx_count Set a number of invalid transactions in block (if is not set, all transactions will be invalid)
--tx_version Set the transaction version as random invalid parameter
--tx_marker Set the transaction market as random invalid parameter
--tx_flag Set the transaction flag as random invalid parameter
--tx_locktime Set the transaction locktime as random invalid parameter
--tx_in_count Set the number of transaction inputs
--invalid_tx_in_count Set the number of invalid transaction inputs (if not set, all inputs will be invalid)
--tx_in_txid Set the txid from inputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_in_vout Set the vout from inputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_in_script_size Set the size of scriptsig from inputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_in_script Set the scriptsig from inputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_in_sequence Set the sequence from inputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_out_count Set the number of transaction outputs
--invalid_tx_out_count Set the number of invalid transaction outputs (if not set, all outputs will be invalid)
--tx_out_amount Set the amount from outputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_out_script_size Set the size of scriptpubkey from outputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_out_script Set the scriptpubkey from outputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_witness_count Set the number of transaction witness itens
--invalid_tx_witness_count Set the number of invalid transaction witness itens (if not set, all witness itens will be invalid)
--tx_witness_size Set the item size from witness item of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_witness_item Set the item from witness of transactions as random invalid parameter
Create transaction with invalid specified parameters
Usage: misfit-core createtx [OPTIONS]
--help Show this help message
--tx_count Set a number of transactions in block
--invalid_tx_count Set a number of invalid transactions in block (if is not set, all transactions will be invalid)
--tx_version Set the transaction version as random invalid parameter
--tx_marker Set the transaction market as random invalid parameter
--tx_flag Set the transaction flag as random invalid parameter
--tx_locktime Set the transaction locktime as random invalid parameter
--tx_in_count Set the number of transaction inputs
--invalid_tx_in_count Set the number of invalid transaction inputs (if not set, all inputs will be invalid)
--tx_in_txid Set the txid from inputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_in_vout Set the vout from inputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_in_script_size Set the size of scriptsig from inputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_in_script Set the scriptsig from inputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_in_sequence Set the sequence from inputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_out_count Set the number of transaction outputs
--invalid_tx_out_count Set the number of invalid transaction outputs (if not set, all outputs will be invalid)
--tx_out_amount Set the amount from outputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_out_script_size Set the size of scriptpubkey from outputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_out_script Set the scriptpubkey from outputs of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_witness_count Set the number of transaction witness itens
--invalid_tx_witness_count Set the number of invalid transaction witness itens (if not set, all witness itens will be invalid)
--tx_witness_size Set the item size from witness item of transactions as random invalid parameter
--tx_witness_item Set the item from witness of transactions as random invalid parameter