Send your logs through Telegram bot to any chat and make them look fancy!
- Continous logging and batch logging support
- Standard stack traces wrapped in
tags - Automatic splitting of the message when it exceeds maximum limit
- Telegram Bot API token - see here to learn how to obtain one
- ID of the chat to which you want to send the logs - see below
One of the simplest ways to do that is to interact with the bot in the target chat:
- private and group chats - send any dummy command
- channels - post something in it
After interacting visit
(replace TOKEN
with your actual bot token), you will be able to find the chat id (chat_id
) in the result JSON.
Install with Composer:
$ composer require jacklul/monolog-telegram
To use this handler you just have to add it like every other Monolog handler:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$logger = new Logger('My project');
$handler = new TelegramHandler(
'123456789:teMbvbETojnSG93jDhnynvH8pT28H9TIB1h', // Bot API token
987654321, // Target Chat ID
Logger::ERROR, // Log level, default: DEBUG
true, // Bubble up the stack or not, default: true
true, // Use cURL or not? default: true = use when available
10, // Timeout for API requests, default: 10
true // Verify SSL certificate or not? default: true, false only useful for development - avoid in production
2, // (optional) Target Thread ID for group chats with Topics enabled
$handler->setFormatter(new TelegramFormatter()); // Usage of this formatter is optional but recommended if you want better message layout
To prevent spamming the chat and hitting Telegram's API limits it is advised to use DeduplicationHandler and/or BufferHandler, ideal solution for production use would be:
$handler = new TelegramHandler('TOKEN', 123456789);
$handler->setFormatter(new TelegramFormatter());
// Combine all log entries into one and force batch processing
$handler = new BufferHandler($handler);
// Make sure that particular log stack wasn't sent before
$handler = new DeduplicationHandler($handler);
// Keep collecting logs until ERROR occurs, after that send collected logs to $handler
$handler = new FingersCrossedHandler($handler, new ErrorLevelActivationStrategy(Logger::ERROR));
You can customize the formatter:
$html = true; // Choose whether to send the message in HTMl format
$format = "%emoji% <b>%level_name%</b> (%channel%) [%date%]\n\n%message%\n\n%context%%extra%"; // EMOJI ERROR (My project) [2018-05-01 15:55:15 UTC]
$date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s e'; // 2018-05-01 15:55:15 UTC, format must be supported by DateTime::format
$separator = '-'; // Seperation character for batch processing - when empty one empty line is used
$emojis = [ // Override any level emoji
'NOTICE' => '🤖'
$handler->setFormatter(new TelegramFormatter($html, $format, $date_format, $separator, $emojis));
Create .env
Run composer check-code
and composer test