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C++ game engine and tools framework with clang-based automatic reflection features

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Bee uses CMake as a cross-platform code build system and a high-level build manager called 'BeeBuild' - or bb for short. bb - among other things - abstracts away setting up and configuring CMake with all the right settings and handles that for you so that building the engine is a one-click process. bb will retrieve and build all dependencies, extract and prepare all the tools binaries, bootstrap itself if running for the first time, and then build the engine code.

So, to build Bee open a command line and run:

cd <Bee root>
./bb configure <generator>

Where <generator> is one of:

  • VS2017
  • VS2019
  • CLion

Once bb finishes you can find your new project files in <Bee root>/Build/<generator>. Open the solution/project (i.e. for visual studio it will be called Bee.sln) and build inside the IDE.

NOTE: a bb build command is a TODO that will probably take an hour to implement that I've been avoiding because it's less fun than doing graphics code but still important to do one day soon!

Running the Bee.Sandbox demo app

Currently Bee is more of a loose collection of frameworks than a full-blown engine - there's no editor or anything at the moment and you have to write your own host application - but to see an example of the engine in flight you can run the Bee.Sandbox.Host application/target (i.e. run the Bee.Sandbox.Host project from the visual studio solution). The sandbox app showcases the OS platform, input, Vulkan gpu, and render render_graph modules and how to setup a host program with a hot-reloadable client application.


Plugin Architecture

Bee is based on a plugin-style architecture - every module in the engine is it's own hot-reloadable plugin dll. This was inspired by the work done by and written about the clever people at The Machinery and initially I started it as a little experiment to try out those ideas but once I started writing c++ code like this it was too much fun to stop - it's like using a totally different and not-annoying programming language.

Bee.Core - the standard library

Each plugin only links to one library internally (they are of course free to link with any dependencies they want) called Bee.Core which contains containers, memory allocators, logging, io etc. as well as the plugin registry and reflection API (more on this later). Bee uses Bee.Core instead of the C++ standard library for a few reasons:

  • The standard headers are very bad for compile times due to extreme over-use of templates, bloated and 'catch-all' headers (such as <utility>) that make it hard to only include what you use, and just generally putting things headers that really should be put in cpp files. Bee.Core is very conservative about template usage outside of containers.
  • The standard allocator API is complicated and encourages globals memory operations (making thread-safety hard). Bee.Core instead uses a far simpler per-instance model similar to the one discussed in this paper.
  • Strings are utf-8 on all platforms.
  • Bee provides reflection and serialization of C++ types out of the box which is used across Bee.Core for i.e. containers
  • API's can often take years to make it into the C++ standard and need to contend with decades of backward-compatibility considerations. We know Bee is used for Bee-based applications primarily in the interactive media space which means it's a lot easier to add functionality without having to wait for a new standard.

Bee plugins and programs should avoid using the standard library if possible however the engine does make efforts to provide adapters for operations such as memory allocation and hashing.

bee-reflect and automatic serialization

Bee has a full-blown, clang-based, template-supporting reflection system. It's pretty fast and non-intrusive compared to reflection libraries in many other C++ engines (such as the Unreal Header Tool) and runs as a CMake custom command whenever a reflected header file changes. It outputs .cpp files that implement reflection statically (found under Build/Generated) using code-generation although the actual output is still in flux. Users don't have to build the bee-reflect binary as it's distributed with the engine. Here's an example of using reflection in Bee:

#include <Bee/Core/Reflection.hpp>

namespace my_namespace {

struct BEE_REFLECT(string_attribute = "Wow so cool") ReflectedStruct
    int                         int_val;
    float                       float_val;
    bee::DynamicArray<double>   array_of_doubles;

void do_something_cool_with_reflection()
    const type = bee::get_type<ReflectedStruct>();
    bee::log_info("Type: %s (\"%s\")", type->name, type->attributes[0].string);
    for (auto& field :<bee::RecordType>().fields)
        bee::log_info("\tField: %s (%s)",, field.type->name);

} // namespace my_namespace

Which should print out:

Type: my_namespace::ReflectedStruct ("Wow so cool")
    Field: int_val (int)
    Field: float_val (float)
    Field: array_of_doubles (bee::DynamicArray<double>)

Bee also has a robust serialization API that can perform both automatic and custom serialization (via the SerializationBuilder interface) of any reflected type including templates. The core library provides three types of serializers - JSONSerializer, BinarySerializer, and StreamSerializer which is an adapter for the bee::io::Stream interface. Serializers can serialize/deserialize types using either a packed format with each field processed sequentially (faster) or a table format that supports robust forward and backward compatibility as well as removed and added fields (slower, more robust). bee-reflect supports versioning types and fields by default as well as hard serialization ordering constraints:

struct BEE_REFLECT(serializable, version = 2, format = packed) ReflectedStruct
    BEE_REFLECT(added = 1, order = 1)
    int                         int_val { 0 };
    BEE_REFLECT(added = 2, order = 3)
    float                       float_val { 1.0f };
    BEE_REFLECT(added = 1, removed = 2, order = 4)
    char                        char_val { 'x' };
    BEE_REFLECT(added = 1, order = 2)
    bee::DynamicArray<double>   array_of_doubles;

The above struct is in a packed format (which is also the default setting) and will process the fields in the order: int_val, array_of_doubles, float_val. However, if we're deserializing from file and the source binary/JSON is version=1 then float_val will be skipped and the default value of 1.0f will remain. For more complex types you can use the SerializationBuilder interface with a special serialization function inside the bee namespace - here's an example straight from the engine source:

template <typename T, ContainerMode Mode>
BEE_SERIALIZE_TYPE(SerializationBuilder* builder, Array<T, Mode>* array)
    int size = array->size();
    builder->container(SerializedContainerKind::sequential, &size);

    if (builder->mode() == SerializerMode::reading)

    for (auto& element : *array)

Note: templated types do not support automatic serialization. You must implement a BEE_SERIALIZE_TYPE function for these types.

Building bee-reflect

A version of the bee-reflect binary is distributed with Bee. However, if you have to modify the source and build a new version of the tool you will need to do the following:

  • First you will either need a version of cmake installed or have your environment variables point cmake invocations to the binary provided under <bee root>/ThirdPart/Binaries/cmake/bin
  • Download the custom fork of LLVM located here. Note: you must use this specific fork as it contains some important modifications to i.e. support .inl files as header file extensions
  • Build LLVM by invoking the build.cmd script located at the root of the newly downloaded LLVM fork. Now's the time to take a long bath or leisurely lunch break.
  • Once LLVM has finished building create a new settings json file for bb (you can copy an existing one located in CMake/Settings) and add the following configuration options:
    "cmake_options": {
        "BUILD_CLANG_TOOLS": "ON",
        "LLVM_INSTALL_DIR": "<Path to llvm fork root>/install/Release",

(adding FORCE_ASSERTIONS_ENABLED is optional but highly recommended)

  • Re-configure the engine projects using bb -c <generator> -s <path to settings json>


C++ game engine and tools framework with clang-based automatic reflection features






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