This repository contains code from the book <Numerical Recipes in C> with my comments. The code are contained in a function, which is called in the main function with example inputs. All code can be compiled and run without input parameter.
A set of notes for each chapter/topic is also available on my blog.
Note that the original code from the book use some tricks with pointers so that indices could start from 1
instead of 0
(Why!). Since I prefer 0-indexing for C/C++, all code in this repository have indicies starting from 0
. You are welcome!
For MacOS player, the code can be compiled by clang util.c file_to_compile.c -o programme
. The compiled code can be then run by ./programme
For Windows player, if gcc is installed, the code can be compiled by gcc util.c file_to_compile.c -o programme
. The compiled code can then be run by ./programme.exe
The code included in this repository, in correspondence to the book's chapters:
Chapter 2 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations
Notes for this chapter are availablbe at
Gauss-Jordan Elimination with full pivoting:
LU Decomposition:
Cholesky Decomposition:
To add in the future: Singular Value Decomposition, QR Decomposition
Chapter 3 Interpolation and Extrapolation
Cubic Spline
Higher Dimensionality
Chapter 6 Special Functions
Gamma, Beta, Factorials, Binomial:
Incomplete Gamma, Error, Chi-Square, Cumulative Poisson
Incomplete Beta, Student's, F, Cumulative Binomial
Chapter 7 Random Numbers
Uniform Deviates
Tranformation: Exponential and Normal Deviates
Rejection: Gamma, Poisson, Binomial Deviates
Monte Carlo Integration
Chapter 10 Minimisation or Maximisation of Functions
Golden Section Search (1D)
Parabolic Interpolation and Brent's Method (1D)
First Derivatives (1D)
Downhill Simplex
Direction Set (Powell's)
Variable Metric
Linear Programming and Simplex Method
Chapter 11 Eigensystems
Jacobi Transforms (symmetric matrix)
Givens and Householder Reductions
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of tridiagonal matrix
Hessenberg Form
QR Algorithm for Real Hessenberg Matrices
Chapter 14 Statistical Description of Data
Notes for this chapter are available at
Moments (mean, variance, skewness, etc.):
Distribution comparisons: Student's t-test, F-test, Chi-Square test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
Linear Correlation
Nonparametric/Rank Correlation
Comparing 2D Distributions
Savitzky-Golay Smoothing Filters
Chapter 15 Modeling of Data
Least Squares (MLE)
General Linear Least Squares
Nonlinear models