Python utilities for building upon. No dependencies outside the standard library. Quick inspection of Python code files, and helpful utilities for building babashka pods quickly which automatically inspects and exposes functions in Python modules to babashka/clojure via namespaces, and automatically dispatches to the appropriate python functions without having to write handlers for each function.
WIP - First cut, working version. Improvements and features to be added.
See the script
in the root directory for an example of how to use the pylaagu.meta
module to extract the function signatures from a Python module.
python pylaagu/ -o json
"name": "function_signatures",
"args": [
"name": "filepath",
"type": "str"
"name": "name_filter",
"type": "typing.Callable"
"returns": "list[FunctionSignature]",
"docstring": "Extracts function signatures from a python file.\nArgs:\n filepath (str): Path to the python file.\n name_filter (typing.Callable, optional): Function to filter function names. Default is to accept all names."
"name": "class_signatures",
"args": [
"name": "filepath",
"type": "str"
"name": "name_filter",
"type": "typing.Callable"
"returns": "list[ClassSignature]",
"docstring": "Extracts all class signatures from the python file.\nArgs:\n filepath (str): Path to the python file.\n name_filter (typing.Callable, optional): Function to filter class names. Default is to accept all names."
"name": "load_module",
"args": [
"name": "module_name",
"type": "str"
"name": "file",
"type": "str"
"name": "fail_on_error"
"returns": null,
"docstring": "Loads a module by name or file path. Returns the module and the file path discovered from the loaded spec."
"name": "FunctionSignature",
"docstring": "Holds function signature information.",
"functions": []
"name": "ClassSignature",
"docstring": "Holds class functions signature information.",
"functions": []
- name: function_signatures
- name: filepath
type: str
- name: name_filter
type: typing.Callable
returns: list[FunctionSignature]
docstring: "Extracts function signatures from a python file.\nArgs:\n filepath\
\ (str): Path to the python file.\n name_filter (typing.Callable, optional):\
\ Function to filter function names. Default is to accept all names."
- name: class_signatures
- name: filepath
type: str
- name: name_filter
type: typing.Callable
returns: list[ClassSignature]
docstring: "Extracts all class signatures from the python file.\nArgs:\n filepath\
\ (str): Path to the python file.\n name_filter (typing.Callable, optional):\
\ Function to filter class names. Default is to accept all names."
- name: load_module
- name: module_name
type: str
- name: file
type: str
- name: fail_on_error
returns: null
docstring: Loads a module by name or file path. Returns the module and the file
path discovered from the loaded spec.
- name: FunctionSignature
docstring: Holds function signature information.
functions: []
- name: ClassSignature
docstring: Holds class functions signature information.
functions: []
A use of this functionality can be seen in pylaagu/ to generate output in the babashka pod communication format.
You can use the pylaagu.babumoshai
module to generate output in the babashka pod communication format, plus basic code to extract instructions from the messages, run the code and return the response back to the calling babashka process. It's all handled for you - the input and output need to be simple enough to be serialized to JSON and back.
Here's a sample usage. The code imports the mlexplore.hf
module which has some basic huggingface hub functions. There's a small quirk to be aware of - the mlexplore.hf
module depends on the mlexplore
module, so you need to import the mlexplore
module first.
And in the tradition of Clojure, the function names are kebab-cased!
Note: This file is referred to as
in the babashka-session code below. (This file is from another dependent repository called mlitchi
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import json
from bcoding import bencode, bdecode
from pylaagu.babumoshai import (NSExportSpec,
load_as_namespace, load_as_namespaces,
from pylaagu.utils import debug
import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename="pod.log")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, f"{script_dir}")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
fh = logging.FileHandler('pod.log')
logger.addHandler(fh)"Starting up pod...")
def read():
return dict(bdecode(sys.stdin.buffer))
def write(obj):
def main_loop(nsexport_specs: list[NSExportSpec]):
namespaces = load_as_namespaces(nsexport_specs)
# for namespace in namespaces.values():
exports = [to_pod_export_format(ns)
for ns in namespaces.values()
if ns is not None]
while True:
msg = read()
op = msg.get("op")
if op == "describe":
"format": "json",
"namespaces": exports,
"ops": {"shutdown": {}}
elif op == "invoke":
var = msg.get("var")
id = msg.get("id")
args = json.loads(msg.get("args"))
value = dispatch(namespaces, var, args)
write({"status": ["done"], "id": id,
"value": json.dumps(value)})
elif op == "shutdown":
debug("Shutting down pod.")
except EOFError:
except Exception as e:
print("Error", e)
write({"status": ["error"], "ex-message": str(e), "id": msg.get("id")})
nsexport_specs = [
NSExportSpec("mlitchi", ns_name="py.mlitchi", export_module_imports=True, export_meta=True),
NSExportSpec("mlitchi.hfhub_helpers", ns_name="py.hfhub",
export_meta=True, fail_on_error=True),
# NSExportSpec("mlitchi.mlx_helpers", ns_name="py.mlx",
# export_meta=True, fail_on_error=False),
NSExportSpec("mlitchi.spacy_helpers", ns_name="py.spacy", export_meta=True),
NSExportSpec("mlitchi.transformers_helpers", ns_name="py.transformers",
NSExportSpec("huggingface_hub.hf_api", ns_name="py.hfhub-api",
export_module_imports=True, export_meta=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
module = sys.argv[1]
Here's a simple babashka session that uses the above script. Notice that there is no code required to dispatch to the appropriate python functions as that is automatically handled.
Babashka v1.4.192 REPL.
Use :repl/quit or :repl/exit to quit the REPL.
Clojure rocks, Bash reaches.
user=> (babashka.pods/load-pod ["./"])
#:pod{:id "mlexplore"}
user=> (require '[cheshire.core :as json])
user=> (doc mlexplore.hf/model-info)
Returns model metadata from huggingface.
user=> (json/parse-string (mlexplore.hf/model-info "facebook/bart-large") keyword)
{:last_modified "2022-06-03T10:00:20+00:00", :tags ["transformers" "pytorch" "tf" "jax" "rust" "bart" "feature-extraction" "en" "arxiv:1910.13461" "license:apache-2.0" "endpoints_compatible" "region:us"], :_id "621ffdc136468d709f17adb9", :downloads 98176, :siblings [{:rfilename ".gitattributes", :size nil, :blob_id nil, :lfs nil} {:rfilename "", :size nil, :blob_id nil, :lfs nil} {:rfilename "config.json", :size nil, :blob_id nil, :lfs nil} {:rfilename "flax_model.msgpack", :size nil, :blob_id nil, :lfs nil} {:rfilename "merges.txt", :size nil, :blob_id nil, :lfs nil} {:rfilename "pytorch_model.bin", :size nil, :blob_id nil, :lfs nil} {:rfilename "rust_model.ot", :size nil, :blob_id nil, :lfs nil} {:rfilename "tf_model.h5", :size nil, :blob_id nil, :lfs nil} {:rfilename "tokenizer.json", :size nil, :blob_id nil, :lfs nil} {:rfilename "tokenizer_config.json", :size nil, :blob_id nil, :lfs nil} {:rfilename "vocab.json", :size nil, :blob_id nil, :lfs nil}], :disabled false, :private false, :config {:architectures ["BartModel"], :model_type "bart", :tokenizer_config {}}, :transformersInfo {:auto_model "AutoModel", :custom_class nil, :pipeline_tag "feature-extraction", :processor "AutoTokenizer"}, :modelId "facebook/bart-large", :mask_token "<mask>", :gated false, :pipeline_tag "feature-extraction", :likes 159, :cardData {:tags nil, :datasets nil, :license "apache-2.0", :eval_results nil, :language "en", :model_name nil, :library_name nil, :base_model nil, :metrics nil}, :author "facebook", :lastModified "2022-06-03T10:00:20+00:00", :spaces ["enclap-team/enclap" "HaloMaster/chinesesummary" "webshop/amazon_shop" "eubinecto/idiomify" "MrVicente/RA-BART" "awacke1/HEDIS.Dash.Component.Top.Clinical.Terminology.Vocabulary" "andreslu/orion" "ka1kuk/litellm" "mikepastor11/PennwickFileAnalyzer" "theachyuttiwari/lfqa1" "Rschmaelzle/wikipedia-assistant" "adherent/Bart-gen-arg" "king007/wikipedia-assistant" "adumbrobot/facebook-bart-large" "asifmian/facebook-bart-large" "semaj83/ctmatch" "LMya/facebook-bart-large" "bagataway/facebook-bart-large" "ATForest/english" "sarat2hf/stock_information_app" "rtabrizi/RAG" "jfeng1115/marketing-analytics-bot" "vkthakur88/facebook-bart-large" "GuysTrans/MedChattRe" "GuysTrans/MedChattSumTran" "nonhuman/nnnn" "apekshik/bart-test" "Dhrumit1314/notivai-backend" "devvoi01/custom1" "rizkiduwinanto/challenge-NLP" "marcelomoreno26/Whatsapp-Chat-Summarizer-and-Analysis" "ieuniversity/Whatsapp_Analysis_Tool" "kenken999/litellm" "kenken999/litellmlope"], :id "facebook/bart-large", :safetensors nil, :library_name "transformers", :model_index nil, :card_data {:tags nil, :datasets nil, :license "apache-2.0", :eval_results nil, :language "en", :model_name nil, :library_name nil, :base_model nil, :metrics nil}, :transformers_info {:auto_model "AutoModel", :custom_class nil, :pipeline_tag "feature-extraction", :processor "AutoTokenizer"}, :sha "cb48c1365bd826bd521f650dc2e0940aee54720c", :widget_data nil, :created_at "2022-03-02T23:29:05+00:00"}
user=> (mlexplore.hf/url-of "facebook/bart-large" "config.json")
python -m pylaagu.meta mlexplore/
"name": "url_of",
"args": [
"name": "model_name",
"type": "str"
"name": "filename",
"type": "str"
"docstring": null,
"returns": "str"
"name": "model_info",
"args": [
"name": "model_name",
"type": "str"
"name": "as_json"
"docstring": "Returns model metadata from huggingface.",
"returns": "dict | str"
"name": "model_files",
"args": [
"name": "model_name",
"type": "str"
"docstring": null,
"returns": "list"
- !!python/object:__main__.FunctionSignature
name: url_of
- name: model_name
type: str
- name: filename
type: str
docstring: null
returns: str
- !!python/object:__main__.FunctionSignature
name: model_info
- name: model_name
type: str
- name: as_json
docstring: Returns model metadata from huggingface.
returns: dict | str
- !!python/object:__main__.FunctionSignature
name: model_files
- name: model_name
type: str
docstring: null
returns: list
python -m pylaagu.babumoshai huggingface_hub.hf_api
{'name': 'huggingface-hub.hf-api',
'vars': [{'name': 'asdict'},
{'name': 'build-hf-headers'},
{'name': 'dataclass'},
{'name': 'deserialize-event'},
{'name': 'experimental'},
{'name': 'field'},
{'name': 'filter-repo-objects'},
{'name': 'fix-hf-endpoint-in-url'},
{'name': 'future-compatible'},
{'name': 'get-hf-file-metadata'},
{'name': 'get-session'},
{'name': 'hf-hub-url'},
{'name': 'hf-raise-for-status'},
{'name': 'multi-commit-create-pull-request'},
{'name': 'multi-commit-generate-comment'},
{'name': 'multi-commit-parse-pr-description'},
{'name': 'overload'},
{'name': 'paginate'},
{'name': 'parse-datetime'},
{'name': 'plan-multi-commits'},
{'name': 'quote'},
{'name': 'repo-type-and-id-from-hf-id'},
{'name': 'thread-map'},
{'name': 'validate-hf-hub-args'},
{'name': 'wraps'}]}