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jamesu edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 3 revisions

As it stands ScummC is fairly useable for making basic V6 games. However numerous things are left to do…


  • Rework the charset converter to use a more generic import/export structure and perhaps have some filters.
  • Add defines with parameters.
  • Find more informations about the MIDI “flavors” used by Scumm.
  • Investigate what’s up with game without a single actor or object (perhaps the engine just can’t cope with that case, but i doubt).
  • Move the box stuff to a text format.
  • Add undo when editing SCAL in the boxeditor.
  • Look at reducing the symbol tables size in the roobj files. Currently way too many symbols might get duplicated.
  • Check the endian safeness in the programs not used by the test suite.
  • Figure out what the few unknown opcode left do: 0×58, 0×59, 0xBD look like NOP but who know. 0xC1 it take a value from the stack and a string. According to cyx it’s a trace opcode. Would be nice to hook that in ScummVM.
  • Support versions 5 and below (would require a significant rewrite of the code generator. Not recommended for the faint hearted! – probably best just to check out Scummbler)


  • Implement a the tile puzzle to release the blue cup (using actors for the tile pieces seems the only plausible solution).
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