This is a personal contact management to help people create and maintain thriving relationship in their life.
Most CRM tools are not offline first, or privacy by design. This project attempts to solve that problem first, then try to create a seamless integration across devices.
This Rust project requires the following:
- Cargo
- sqlx-cli
Declare the database URL, either by exporting it:
export DATABASE_URL="sqlite:contacts.db"
or by making a
file:cp .env.example .env
Create the database.
$ sqlx db create
Run sql migrations
$ sqlx migrate run
Create a contact
Usage: nbd create [OPTIONS]
-f, --first-name <First Name>
-l, --last-name <Last Name>
-d, --display-name <Display Name>
-e, --email <EMAIL>
-p, --phone-number <Phone>
-h, --help Print help
For example
cargo run create --first-name test --last-name last --email --phone-number 123-231-1122
Edit a contact
<ID> ID of contact to edit
-f, --first-name <First Name>
-l, --last-name <Last Name>
-d, --display-name <Display Name>
-e, --email <EMAIL>
-p, --phone-number <Phone>
-h, --help Print help
For example
cargo run edit 5 -f Jason
To destroy the database, delete contacts.db