Single header extension to std::format for char8_t, char16_t, char32_t, u8string and u8string_view.
- Single character values are always intepreted as numeric values.
- If the unicode character is desired then use the string form with that single character.
- char8_t, char16_t, and char32_t support their equivalent uintN_t formatting specifiers.
- u8string and u8string_view do not currently support formatting specifiers, only outputting as-is.
- When compiling for MSVC, ensure compile flag
is used. - On godbolt,
<format> + <iostream>
requires c++20; gcc(x86-64 13.3), clang(x86-64 trunk : 19.1.0 compiler errors), and msvc (x64 19.32) - On godbolt,
requires c++23; gcc(x86-64 14.1), clang(x86-64 latest : 19.1.0 missing ), and msvc (x64 19.37)
#include <print>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "format_utf8.hpp"
int main() {
char8_t c8 = 0x41;
char16_t c16 = 0x42;
char32_t c32 = 0x0001F600;
std::u8string s8{u8"hello😀"};
std::u8string_view sv8{s8};
std::string test{"hello😀"};
std::println("Normal char strings");
std::println("{}", "hello😀");
std::println("{}", "\U0001F600");
std::println("{}", c8);
std::println("{:#x}", c8);
std::println("{:05d}", c8);
std::println("{}", c16);
std::println("{:#x}", c16);
std::println("{:05d}", c16);
std::println("{}", c32);
std::println("{:#x}", c32);
std::println("{:#010x}", c32);
std::println("{:d}", c32);
std::println("{:08d}", c32);
std::println("utf-8 strings");
std::println("{}", u8"hello 😀 there");
std::println("{}", s8);
std::println("{}", std::u8string{u8"hello😀"});
std::println("{}", std::u8string_view{u8"hello😀"});
return 0;
#include <format>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "format_utf8.hpp"
int main() {
char8_t c8 = 0x41;
char16_t c16 = 0x42;
char32_t c32 = 0x0001F600;
std::u8string s8{u8"hello😀"};
std::u8string_view sv8{s8};
std::cout << std::format("Normal char strings\n");
std::cout << std::format("{}\n", "hello😀");
std::cout << std::format("{}\n", "\U0001F600");
std::cout << std::format("\n");
std::cout << std::format("char8_t\n");
std::cout << std::format("{}\n", c8);
std::cout << std::format("{:#x}\n", c8);
std::cout << std::format("{:05d}\n", c8);
std::cout << std::format("\n");
std::cout << std::format("char16_t\n");
std::cout << std::format("{}\n", c16);
std::cout << std::format("{:#x}\n", c16);
std::cout << std::format("{:05d}\n", c16);
std::cout << std::format("\n");
std::cout << std::format("char32_t\n");
std::cout << std::format("{}\n", c32);
std::cout << std::format("{:#x}\n", c32);
std::cout << std::format("{:#010x}\n", c32);
std::cout << std::format("{:d}\n", c32);
std::cout << std::format("{:08d}\n", c32);
std::cout << std::format("\n");
std::cout << std::format("utf-8 strings\n");
std::cout << std::format("{}\n", u8"hello 😀 there");
std::cout << std::format("{}\n", s8);
std::cout << std::format("{}\n", std::u8string{u8"hello😀"});
std::cout << std::format("{}\n", std::u8string_view{u8"hello😀"});
std::cout << std::format("\n");
return 0;