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Refactor fromPandocBlock to produce lists
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jaspervdj committed Dec 30, 2024
1 parent 87a5f57 commit 2a547dd
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Showing 3 changed files with 57 additions and 54 deletions.
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions lib/Patat/Presentation/Display.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -321,9 +321,7 @@ prettyBlock ds (LineBlock inliness) =
PP.vcat $
map (prettyInlines ds) inliness

prettyBlock ds (Figure _attr blocks) =
-- TODO: the fromPandoc conversion here is weird
prettyBlocks ds blocks
prettyBlock ds (Figure _attr blocks) = prettyBlocks ds blocks

prettyBlock ds (VarBlock var) = prettyBlocks ds $ dsResolve ds var
prettyBlock _ (SpeakerNote _) = mempty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -388,7 +386,7 @@ prettyInline _ (RawInline _ t) = PP.text t
-- These elements aren't really supported.
prettyInline ds (Cite _ t) = prettyInlines ds t
prettyInline ds (Span _ t) = prettyInlines ds t
prettyInline _ (Note _) = mempty
prettyInline _ (Note _) = mempty -- TODO: support notes?
prettyInline ds (Superscript t) = prettyInlines ds t
prettyInline ds (Subscript t) = prettyInlines ds t
prettyInline ds (SmallCaps t) = prettyInlines ds t
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7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions lib/Patat/Presentation/Read.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,12 +130,11 @@ pandocToPresentation pVarGen pFilePath pEncodingFallback pSettings pSyntaxMap
pandoc@(Pandoc.Pandoc meta _) = do
let !pTitle = case Pandoc.docTitle meta of
[] -> [Str . T.pack . snd $ splitFileName pFilePath]
title -> map fromPandocInline title
title -> fromPandocInlines title
!pSlides = pandocToSlides pSettings pandoc
!pBreadcrumbs = collectBreadcrumbs pSlides
!pActiveFragment = (0, 0)
!pAuthor = map fromPandocInline $
concat $ Pandoc.docAuthors meta
!pAuthor = fromPandocInlines $ concat $ Pandoc.docAuthors meta
!pEvalBlocks = mempty
!pVars = mempty
pSlideSettings <- Seq.traverseWithIndex
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,7 +207,7 @@ readSettings path = do
pandocToSlides :: PresentationSettings -> Pandoc.Pandoc -> Seq.Seq Slide
pandocToSlides settings (Pandoc.Pandoc _meta pblocks) =
let blocks = map fromPandocBlock pblocks
let blocks = fromPandocBlocks pblocks
slideLevel = fromMaybe (detectSlideLevel blocks) (psSlideLevel settings)
unfragmented = splitSlides slideLevel blocks
fragmented = map fragmentSlide unfragmented in
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98 changes: 52 additions & 46 deletions lib/Patat/Presentation/Syntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ module Patat.Presentation.Syntax
, dftBlocks
, dftInlines

, fromPandocBlock
, fromPandocInline
, fromPandocBlocks
, fromPandocInlines

, isHorizontalRule
, isComment
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,73 +177,79 @@ dftInlines fb fi = inlines
Note blocks -> Note <$> dftBlocks fb fi blocks
Span attr xs -> Span attr . concat <$> traverse inline xs

fromPandocBlock :: Pandoc.Block -> Block
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.Plain xs) = Plain (map fromPandocInline xs)
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.Para xs) = Para (map fromPandocInline xs)
fromPandocBlocks :: [Pandoc.Block] -> [Block]
fromPandocBlocks = concatMap fromPandocBlock

fromPandocBlock :: Pandoc.Block -> [Block]
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.Plain xs) = [Plain (fromPandocInlines xs)]
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.Para xs) = [Para (fromPandocInlines xs)]
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.LineBlock xs) =
LineBlock (map (map fromPandocInline) xs)
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.CodeBlock attrs body) = CodeBlock attrs body
[LineBlock (map fromPandocInlines xs)]
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.CodeBlock attrs body) = [CodeBlock attrs body]
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.RawBlock fmt body)
-- Parse config blocks.
| fmt == "html"
, Just t1 <- T.stripPrefix "<!--config:" body
, Just t2 <- T.stripSuffix "-->" t1 = Config $
, Just t2 <- T.stripSuffix "-->" t1 = pure $ Config $
case Yaml.decodeEither' (T.encodeUtf8 t2) of
Left err -> Left (show err)
Right obj -> Right obj
-- Parse other comments.
| Just t1 <- T.stripPrefix "<!--" body
, Just t2 <- T.stripSuffix "-->" t1 = SpeakerNote $ T.strip t2
, Just t2 <- T.stripSuffix "-->" t1 = pure $ SpeakerNote $ T.strip t2
-- Other raw blocks, leave as-is.
| otherwise = RawBlock fmt body
| otherwise = [RawBlock fmt body]
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.BlockQuote blocks) =
BlockQuote $ map fromPandocBlock blocks
[BlockQuote $ fromPandocBlocks blocks]
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.OrderedList attrs items) =
OrderedList attrs $ map (map fromPandocBlock) items
[OrderedList attrs $ map fromPandocBlocks items]
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.BulletList items) =
BulletList $ map (map fromPandocBlock) items
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.DefinitionList items) = DefinitionList $ do
[BulletList $ map fromPandocBlocks items]
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.DefinitionList items) = pure $ DefinitionList $ do
(inlines, blockss) <- items
pure (map fromPandocInline inlines, map (map fromPandocBlock) blockss)
pure (fromPandocInlines inlines, map (fromPandocBlocks) blockss)
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.Header lvl attrs inlines) =
Header lvl attrs (map fromPandocInline inlines)
fromPandocBlock Pandoc.HorizontalRule = HorizontalRule
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.Table _ caption specs thead tbodies tfoot) = Table
(map fromPandocInline caption')
[Header lvl attrs (fromPandocInlines inlines)]
fromPandocBlock Pandoc.HorizontalRule = [HorizontalRule]
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.Table _ cptn specs thead tbodies tfoot) = pure $ Table
(fromPandocInlines cptn')
(map (map fromPandocBlock) headers)
(map (map (map fromPandocBlock)) rows)
(map (fromPandocBlocks) headers)
(map (map fromPandocBlocks) rows)
(caption', aligns, _, headers, rows) = Pandoc.toLegacyTable
caption specs thead tbodies tfoot
(cptn', aligns, _, headers, rows) = Pandoc.toLegacyTable
cptn specs thead tbodies tfoot

fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.Figure attrs _caption blocks) =
Figure attrs $ map fromPandocBlock blocks
[Figure attrs $ fromPandocBlocks blocks]
fromPandocBlock (Pandoc.Div attrs blocks) =
Div attrs $ map fromPandocBlock blocks
[Div attrs $ fromPandocBlocks blocks]

fromPandocInlines :: [Pandoc.Inline] -> [Inline]
fromPandocInlines = concatMap fromPandocInline

fromPandocInline :: Pandoc.Inline -> Inline
fromPandocInline :: Pandoc.Inline -> [Inline]
fromPandocInline inline = case inline of
Pandoc.Str txt -> Str txt
Pandoc.Emph xs -> Emph (map fromPandocInline xs)
Pandoc.Underline xs -> Underline (map fromPandocInline xs)
Pandoc.Strong xs -> Strong (map fromPandocInline xs)
Pandoc.Strikeout xs -> Strikeout (map fromPandocInline xs)
Pandoc.Superscript xs -> Superscript (map fromPandocInline xs)
Pandoc.Subscript xs -> Subscript (map fromPandocInline xs)
Pandoc.SmallCaps xs -> SmallCaps (map fromPandocInline xs)
Pandoc.Quoted ty xs -> Quoted ty (map fromPandocInline xs)
Pandoc.Cite c xs -> Cite c (map fromPandocInline xs)
Pandoc.Code attr txt -> Code attr txt
Pandoc.Space -> Space
Pandoc.SoftBreak -> SoftBreak
Pandoc.LineBreak -> LineBreak
Pandoc.Math ty txt -> Math ty txt
Pandoc.RawInline fmt txt -> RawInline fmt txt
Pandoc.Link attr xs tgt -> Link attr (map fromPandocInline xs) tgt
Pandoc.Image attr xs tgt -> Image attr (map fromPandocInline xs) tgt
Pandoc.Note xs -> Note (map fromPandocBlock xs)
Pandoc.Span attr xs -> Span attr (map fromPandocInline xs)
Pandoc.Str txt -> pure $ Str txt
Pandoc.Emph xs -> pure $ Emph (fromPandocInlines xs)
Pandoc.Underline xs -> pure $ Underline (fromPandocInlines xs)
Pandoc.Strong xs -> pure $ Strong (fromPandocInlines xs)
Pandoc.Strikeout xs -> pure $ Strikeout (fromPandocInlines xs)
Pandoc.Superscript xs -> pure $ Superscript (fromPandocInlines xs)
Pandoc.Subscript xs -> pure $ Subscript (fromPandocInlines xs)
Pandoc.SmallCaps xs -> pure $ SmallCaps (fromPandocInlines xs)
Pandoc.Quoted ty xs -> pure $ Quoted ty (fromPandocInlines xs)
Pandoc.Cite c xs -> pure $ Cite c (fromPandocInlines xs)
Pandoc.Code attr txt -> pure $ Code attr txt
Pandoc.Space -> pure $ Space
Pandoc.SoftBreak -> pure $ SoftBreak
Pandoc.LineBreak -> pure $ LineBreak
Pandoc.Math ty txt -> pure $ Math ty txt
Pandoc.RawInline fmt txt -> pure $ RawInline fmt txt
Pandoc.Link attr xs tgt -> pure $ Link attr (fromPandocInlines xs) tgt
Pandoc.Image attr xs tgt -> pure $ Image attr (fromPandocInlines xs) tgt
Pandoc.Note xs -> pure $ Note (fromPandocBlocks xs)
Pandoc.Span attr xs -> pure $ Span attr (fromPandocInlines xs)

isHorizontalRule :: Block -> Bool
isHorizontalRule HorizontalRule = True
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