FlaskApp - Docker image with gunicorn(Application Server) for Flask web applications in Python using Alpine Linux.
Nginx - Docker image with Nginx web server running on port 80(http)
FlaskApp docker image makes use of Alpine Linux as base layer alongwith Python and Gunicorn. Gunicorn acts as server gateway interface between flask and nginx, due to it's light weight and high speed small web applications.
Docker Link -
FlaskApp: https://hub.docker.com/r/jassumohit/sample_flask
Nginx: https://hub.docker.com/r/jassumohit/nginxnew
- Docker
- Clone repo
- Activate Docker Daemon
- CD to root directory of repo
- Run
docker-compose up
Following lines will display on command line
Hit the URL - http://localhost
- Open another command line
- Run
docker-compose down