Extension for geoJSON and LIDAR data in LAS Format Reader/Writer for VTK
The vtkGeoJSONReader filter reads a geoJSON file specification and converts it into vtk compatible datatypes like vtkPolyData.
Current implementation of the reader supports the following geoJSON geometries
Multi Point
Line String
Multi Line String
Polygon (Without holes)
Multi Polygons (Without holes)
The vtkLASReader filter reads LIDAR data in LAS format and converts it into VTK compatible vtkPolyData.
To Do:
For visualisation purposes, PointData in vtkPolyData will be modified according to the following point data properties:
- Classification/Class Name
- Intensity
- Colour
The implementation is based on VTK version 6. At present, it is not compatible with older versions of VTK.
More information about the geoJSON format can be obtained here:
Sample geoJSON Formatted files for various countries can be found here:
Official libLAS Web Site:
libLAS Git Repo:
LAS Specification: