nvim-soil is a minimal plugin written in Lua for Plant UML.
(default but editable) are required to be installed in order to use this plugin.plantuml
is optional to be installed or used in jar format.- Recommended for Plant UML syntax highlighting nvim-nyctophilia colorscheme
- This plugin has been developed on and for Linux following open source philosophy.
use 'javiorfo/nvim-soil'
-- Optional for puml syntax highlighting:
use 'javiorfo/nvim-nyctophilia'
-- Optional for puml syntax highlighting:
dependencies = { 'javiorfo/nvim-nyctophilia' },
lazy = true,
ft = "plantuml",
opts = {
-- If you want to change default configurations
-- This option closes the image viewer and reopen the image generated
-- When true this offers some kind of online updating (like plantuml web server)
actions = {
redraw = false
-- If you want to use Plant UML jar version instead of the installed version
puml_jar = "/path/to/plantuml.jar",
-- If you want to customize the image showed when running this plugin
image = {
darkmode = false, -- Enable or disable darkmode
format = "png", -- Choose between png or svg
-- This is a default implementation of using nsxiv to open the resultant image
-- Edit the string to use your preferred app to open the image (as if it were a command line)
-- Some examples:
-- return "feh " .. img
-- return "xdg-open " .. img
execute_to_open = function(img)
return "nsxiv -b " .. img
- If
is installed you don't need any extra set up. But if wanted to use plantuml jar version you can set it up. - The default image format is PNG.
- The default action redraw format is false.
- The default Plant UML darkmode is set to false.
- Open any yourfile.plantuml, yourfile.pu or yourfile.puml which you want to process and use
Neovim command line to generate and open yourfile.png with graphical output. Pressq
to quit the image viewer. - Everytime you update a Plant UML file and run
, you'll get an updated image. - The generated image is saved in the same location that your Plant UML file.
- To open the generated image without run Plant UML again use
NOTE: The colorscheme nox from nvim-nyctophilia is used in this image.