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Releases: jbangdev/jbang


16 Apr 19:55
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Fix issue where ChatGPT errors on bad keys or usage limits.

🧰 Tasks


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Max Rydahl Andersen


01 Apr 19:10
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  • 8516294 [patch] re-release as github failed to upload all artifacts


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Max Rydahl Andersen


01 Apr 14:20
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This enables use of GPT with JBang.

To use it you need an OPENAI_API_KEY and use the --preview flag.

export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-xxxxxxx-x-xxxxxx
jbang init "connect to github an fetch all repositories under jbangdev and collect how many stars they have"

And JBang will call out using ChatGPT's API to initialize and create a jbang script that attempts to do what you expressed on the command line.

You can see it in action in this video:


🚀 Features

  • 152424f support use of ChatGPT in init

🐛 Fixes

  • 39ada52 remove codeblocks and make magiccontent part of init
  • 37ae906 essential space
  • 4388052 trim trailing whitespaces in //MODULE directive (#1602)


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Max Rydahl Andersen, GitHub, Fred Bricon


24 Mar 18:37
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🐛 Fixes

  • e26d6cc fix Apple Silicon vscodium download


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Max Rydahl Andersen


20 Mar 11:18
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Magic jbang edit

jbang edit now assumes your IDE has one of the jbang plugins installed (see
Since jbang edit install and run vscodium by default if you simply use jbang edit things will just work.

If you want the old behavior (which is great with emacs, vi, etc.) then just enable sandbox using (-b) jbang edit -b

JBang will based on the arguments you pass take an educated guess on which folder you want to open based on the source file.
It will look at package/directory names, for common editor markers (.vscode,.project,.idea, etc) and build files (pom.xml, build.gradle,etc) to find the best place to open an IDE.

Module cleanup

In previous versions we introduced support for building modular applications. You indicate to JBang with a //MODULE command or by having a file then JBang will automatically switch to using modulepaths over classpath. This release continues to clean things up and make it easier to use.

Export jlink

jbang export jlink is now an option. Allowing you write a jbang app/script and export it as an application that has the Java runtime embedded within it.


🐛 Fixes

  • 0a5a45a exlude naming.ldap from module list and support package in package name

🛠 Build


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Max Rydahl Andersen


24 Feb 11:40
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@quintesse been on fire and added some long-time coming improvements! Java 17, module support and magic file replacement.

Default to Java 17, still work with Java 8+

JBang will now default to install Java 17 if no other Java is available. Mainly done since Java 13+ has features that makes symbolic
links work by default better on Windows; but also just that Java 17 is a better default to use for Java code these days. Note: JBang will continue to work with Java 8+ to ensure JBang is available on as many platforms as possible.

(Experimental) Support for Java Modules

You can now add a //MODULE line to your java sources and JBang will build and run it as a Java Module. Any //DEPS gets converted to a requires module and the module path rather than classpath is used for dependencies.

Try it out and tell if it works for your Java Module usecases.

Magical remote file expansion

JBang will now download remote files on the command line and replace them with file references. i.e. '%https://some.url/a.txt' or '%{https://some.url/a.txt}'.

This allows you utilize jbang's file download/caching mechanism to enhance scripts that deal with local files to handle remote urls:

jbang wordcount %

Similarly we've added this support to --javaagent too allowing you do things like:

jbang --verbose --javaagent=byteman@maxandersen=boot:$(jbang info classpath byteman@maxandersen),script:%{} env@jbangdev

Which fetches the byteman agent using the alias byteman@maxandersen and fetches remotely the FileMonitor.btm file to inject its instructions.

Enabling to use and run agents without having to install any java or agent scripts - all without having to change byteman.


🚀 Features

🐛 Fixes


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Claus Ibsen, Tako Schotanus, Max Rydahl Andersen, GitHub, allcontributors[bot]


19 Feb 23:32
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Small fixes - see below for details.


🐛 Fixes

  • 3b7e835 M1/aarch64 detection for javafx name
  • cec649c not using cache for jbang update anymore

♻️ Changes

  • 4aa562a extracted build state from Project


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Tako Schotanus, Max Rydahl Andersen


14 Feb 12:52
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Fixed regression where if you swapped from new jbang to older jbang things could go bad due to the new caching.


🐛 Fixes

  • fcd7ea4 make sure our new etags don't break old jbangs


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Tako Schotanus, Max Rydahl Andersen


11 Feb 08:19
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A new release and this one is a silent but beautiful one.

First there is a bunch of small fixes after last release custom JDK support introduced some regressions - like breaking Groovy support; but that is now back. Thanks for all the feedback!

export fat jar

jbang export fatjar now exists. It merges all dependencies into a single combined jar allowing you to easily copy/distribute as a single command . It merges overlapping META-INF/services and for most things that seem sufficient.

If you use it and things does not work, open issues and we can look at improving it.

native image now honored by alias

@kanha-gupta contributed his first fix making it so --native for building native images
works for aliases.

jbang will now get latest version, reducing need to use --fresh

Since forever jbang aliases were defined in a catalog and if that catalog was updated
AFTER you fetched something the first time you would not get the latest updates unless you used --fresh.

Now @quintesse implemented proper cache eviction so that

a) when you run an alias jbang newcommand@somecatalog and that newcommand is not found locally then
jbang will now force reload the catalog to see if there is a new command.

b) By default every 12 hours the cache will be refreshed, meaning updates to alias catalogs (not just new ones will automatically be downloaded)

This allows for much smoother updates and ensuring users have the latest and greatest.

If for some reason you as a user do NOT want that (i.e. you really want zero updates) you have multiple options dependent on your usecase:

  • To get similar behavior as before, set cache-evict to never, i.e. jbang config set cache-evict never
  • run with --offline then jbang will not do any remote requests, including cache updates.
  • install/use aliases with a specific version or even SHA. i.e. jbang cmd@myorg//2.0 or jbang kill@quarkusio//5b58242 to lock in a specific alias.


🚀 Features

  • 7281285 now always using latest aliases
  • b9f61f4 config list --show-available now shows descriptions
  • 9848c8c caching now supports ETag
  • 8febe9c cached files are now checked with HEAD
  • 53d1e6c implemented first version of export fatjar
  • 7682219 improved Linux/Mac startup script (#1551)

🐛 Fixes

  • 9ba1084 broken JDK links no longer cause problems
  • 6ea7835 jdk install --force was not forcing install
  • f0917fa minor fix in log messages
  • 01d26c4 artifact up-to-date check is more lenient
  • 15680bc fixed minor GAV resolve ordering problem
  • 465c941 fixes duplicate classpath entries
  • 098d7fe Groovy compiler now runs correctly
  • 006959a we don't blindly import JAR metadata anymore (#1549)
  • 66c9f3a Alias command now properly sets nativeImage (#1547)

♻️ Changes

  • ac44ea4 Gist handling now uses core code for downloads

🧰 Tasks

  • a465522 prefer installing default java version
  • f0b1bbc minor update in logging and cache-evict default
  • 662fa9e recompiled hellojar.jar with Java 8
  • 5501090 app setup now tells user about --force (#1550)
  • b1756bf verbose mode now includes timing (#1552)

🛠 Build

  • a27766c added tests for new ETag caching code
  • 862e6da added tests for the new caching code
  • 47b43ca report github rate limit


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Tako Schotanus, Max Rydahl Andersen, kanha gupta, GitHub


18 Jan 00:00
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Its 2023 and time to get releases going again :)

Basic Auth

Michael Meyers added basic auth support for loading scripts allowing you to specify a username/password for secured scripts:

export JBANG_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=supersecret
jbang https://some.private/

Download sources

IDE's and Users can now tell JBang to download sources. Useful to have IDE's pickup sources immediately.

jbang edit will resolve sources automatically, and by setting JBANG_DOWNLOAD_SOURCES=true as a environment variable all operations resolving dependencies will resolve sources too.

jbang jdk being more consistent

jbang jdk allows you to manage the java versions installed by jbang; thus jbang jdk java-env would always prefer jbang managed jdk. Now jbang jdk java-env will honor how jbang otherwise pick java. Meaning if you have a java in your path it will print the java-env info for java from the path.

This is a small change but could break your assumptions if you assumed jbang jdk java-env would always give you a jbang installed java.

Using other package manager's java (Experimental)

JBang defaults to use your local configured java or download and use versions of java from Adoptium project if no fitting JDK present.
Users using sdkman and other package managers, like scoop on Windows, requested that JBang could use those package managers java rather than jbang's own.

In this release there is a --jdk-providers flag that allows you to enable use of sdkman and scoop.

i.e. to have jbang honor sdkman installs before jbang but still use path if present do following:

jbang jdk --jdk-providers=path,sdkman,jbang list --show-details
Installed JDKs (<=default):
   11 (11.0.17, path, path, /Users/manderse/.sdkman/candidates/java/current)
   11 (11.0.17, sdkman, 11.0.17-zulu-sdkman, /Users/manderse/.sdkman/candidates/java/11.0.17-zulu)
   11 (11.0.17, sdkman, current-sdkman, /Users/manderse/.sdkman/candidates/java/current)
   11 (11.0.17, jbang, 11-jbang, /Users/manderse/.jbang/cache/jdks/11)
   17 (17.0.5, jbang, 17-jbang, /Users/manderse/.jbang/cache/jdks/17)
   19 (19.0.1, jbang, 19-jbang, /Users/manderse/.jbang/cache/jdks/19)
   20 (20, jbang, 20-jbang, /Users/manderse/.jbang/cache/jdks/20)

Similar can be done with run, build and other jdk commands to get jbang to pick other package managers java.



We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Tako Schotanus, Max Rydahl Andersen, Francesco Marchioni, Mikael Koskinen, Michael Meyer

🚀 Features

  • 20b39af Enabled the usage of existing JDK installations (#1500)
  • 28957ce adding --ds/--download-sources and auto download for edit (#1539)
  • 019d732 support basic-auth for loading scripts (#1516)

🐛 Fixes

🛠 Build

  • 062e1c8 remove spotlessxml implicit dependency warnings