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Releases: jbangdev/jbang


27 Feb 11:08
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Bug caused containers not to build. Now fixed.

🐛 Fixes

  • 19c0dc9 fix: dockerfile mdkdir properly

🛠 Build

  • 004cc64 build: dont use gh action
  • 869618e build: upgrade do upload/download v4 part deux
  • 0d4d5ad build: upgrade do upload/download v4


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Max Rydahl Andersen


25 Jan 13:01
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First release of 2025!

This now honors add-opens and exports found in MANIFEST.MF making it possible to easily run modular .jar's.

A breaking but important change is that before BOM dependencies were by mistake not checked for existence, thus if you askef for i.e. io.quarkus:quarkus-bom:878.4 it would actually resolve to whatever version available. Thus this release will no longer run with such non-existent dependencies and will instead report it as not found/missing.

  • bunch of nice documentation cleanups and clarifications!


🚀 Features

🐛 Fixes

  • 0927594 fix: update templates (#1917)
  • 27935f7 fix: Fix a few ShellCheck SC2086 & SC2155 in Wrapper's Linux script (#1892)
  • f603f8b fix: if no deps, avoid npe; also make sure POMs refd exist (#1901)
  • b3b2281 fix: Remove spurious line endings in Wrapper's Powershell script

🧰 Tasks

📝 Documentation

  • f80695f docs: fix vscode icon (#1905)
  • 6a276e3 docs: Add "Disable integrations" section (#1898)
  • c2adeb5 docs: Clarify further why normal shebang is really not recommended (#1903)
  • 9b5cbec docs: explicit document how to debug jbang itself
  • 455cde2 docs: Add //PREVIEW (#1894)
  • bc85774 docs: Add links to relevant google-java-format issues to FAQ (#1893)

  • a5ac52f [minor] relase
  • 57799e7 [minor] relase
  • f726bc9 add yostane as a contributor for doc (#1908)
  • 1a52d50 Update Adoptium URL in javaversions.adoc (#1906)
  • 6167b8c Add jbang jdk list --available in javaversions.adoc as a way to fetch versions (#1907)


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
GitHub, Jérémie Bresson, Max Rydahl Andersen, Michael Vorburger, Tako Schotanus, Tamas Cservenak, Werner Fouché, Yassine Benabbas!


16 Dec 10:31
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A holiday release where we:

  1. add --no-integrations flag together with //NOINTEGRATIONS directive if you have a project where you do NOT want jbang to run any jbang integrations
  2. Finally, we decided that since we are about to enter 2025, it's time that JBang defaults to adding -parameters to javac so parameter names are always available. Most frameworks today assumes that is set - so lets make it easy.

🚀 Features

🐛 Fixes

🧰 Tasks

  • bb74a38 chore(deps): pin mikepenz/action-junit-report action to 992d97d (#1880)


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
GitHub, Jérémie Bresson, Max Rydahl Andersen, Tako Schotanus, Werner Fouché, allcontributors[bot], renovate[bot]


16 Nov 14:59
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Runnable Bluesky Posts



🚀 Features


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
GitHub, Max Rydahl Andersen


16 Nov 12:07
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Reaching 120!

Honoring transitive dependencies managed setup

JBang will now (like Maven 4) honor transitive dependencies managed dependencies. This is probably how many think and expect dependencies to be resolved, but this is not the case for Maven 3 nor the previous JBang version. If you already use explicitly managed dependencies then that still wins, it is only that transitive dependencies now will be managed if transitive dependencies have a managed dependency section.

jbang info tools io.quarkus:quarkus-tls-registry-cli:3.15.1 would resolve jackson-core-2.16.1 in past but now resolve jackson-core-2.17.2 as the quarkus-tls-registry-cli has a managed pom.

Ignore transitive repositories

Another possible surprise is that transitive dependencies can add maven repositories into the resultion chain. Often that is fine, but in some cases you want to ensure only your own configured repositories gets honored.

To enable this there is now a --itr or --ignore-transitive-repositories flag.

Restored jitpack support

jitpack stopped supporting fetching HEAD snapshot, now we fallback to main-SNAPSHOT allowing jitpack dependencies via github URLs 'just work' as long as the repos branch name is main.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.119.0...v0.120.4


27 Sep 20:20
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🚀 Features

  • 5e986ab feat: we can now create junctions on Windows (#1804)


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
GitHub, Max Rydahl Andersen, Tako Schotanus


12 Sep 11:06
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new feature:

  • linux now available as a provider of jdks to detect already installed jdks

notable fixes:

  • Kotlin stdlib now added by default for kotlin runs
  • errors are now always reported as github actions users seeing failures not reproducible elsewhere.


🚀 Features

🐛 Fixes

  • 6e342c9 fix: transparently add kotlin-stdlib to the deps based on the configured kotlin version
  • f385183 fix: provide error info from foojay when listing/fetching JDK's (#1824)

🧰 Tasks

  • c8e5834 chore: fix typo
  • 3d5daa0 chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.9 (#1807)
  • 9a2a13a chore(deps): update jbangdev/jbang-action docker digest to 8095495 (#1768)
  • 99a9119 chore(deps): update github-actions (#1798)
  • 1e2e4d0 chore(config): migrate config renovate.json (#1827)
  • 3797d78 chore: add initial releasecheck file

🛠 Build

  • a0b3fe4 build: use proper qute artifact name
  • 1d06b0e build: dont update qute higher than what can run on java 8
  • e72e466 test: add test for runkotlin

📝 Documentation


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
GitHub, Max Rydahl Andersen, Tako Schotanus, evanchooly, k-klemmer, renovate[bot]


07 Jul 20:07
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🐛 Fixes

  • 35f8bf2 fix: fix container structure test


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Max Rydahl Andersen


07 Jul 19:43
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Main new feature thanks to @cstamas is you can now use @fatjar which comes from maven4 to express the jar dependency should not download transitive dependencies defined for it. Useful for jars that has shaded in all its dependencies.

Furthmore JBANG_LAUNCH_CMD is now available to be able to know which jbang command was used to launch the jbang script with. Thanks to @dsyer.

...and a bunch of small minor fixes.


🚀 Features

  • ccdae1d feat: introduce type 'fatjar' (#1800)
  • a2ef5a7 feat: export an additional env var pointing to the location of jbang (#1811)

🐛 Fixes

  • b8f9591 fix: export portable --force now works (#1821)
  • 0461c57 fix: Filter 'app list' output by executable (#1783)
  • cdb99ff fix: make sure native build honors the --fresh flag (#1788)
  • e835e50 fix: no longer get an exception when using option names as values (#1790)

🧰 Tasks

  • 28ad5a8 chore: made version --verbose more verbose (#1794)
  • d863c33 chore(deps): update github-actions (#1765)
  • 792e83e chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.7 (#1764)
  • 70d9e53 chore(deps): pin github/codeql-action action to 4355270 (#1796)

🛠 Build

  • b58b6a0 build: update to codeql v3


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Claus Ibsen, Dave Syer, GitHub, Igor, Max Rydahl Andersen, Tako Schotanus, Tamas Cservenak, allcontributors[bot], renovate[bot]


01 Apr 07:47
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This release adds jbanghub catalog in by default. Meaning jbang catalog list now provides easy access to list of catalogs. See more at

JBang automatic java downloading now works on riscv64 and 32-bit arm systems thanks to @sxa.


🚀 Features

🐛 Fixes

  • c26de98 fix: 32-bit arm architecture detection missing (#1773)
  • eceb5c1 fix: fixes for handling more 3xx codes and not asking for trust twice (#1771)

📝 Documentation

  • c494420 docs: explain how to specify classifiers on dependencies (#1775)


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
GitHub, Julien Ponge, Max Rydahl Andersen, Stewart X Addison, Tako Schotanus, allcontributors[bot]