At a high level File Classifier (just a temporary name) is a dual model file classifier of both the file type and if it is benign or malicious. For feature extraction, model training, model running, the job manager system and a simple web frontend I am using C#. For the Machine Learning elements I'm using Microsoft's ML.NET.
Breaking down the project a bit further:
- Trainer Application (.NET Core 2.2.5) - (FileClassifier.Trainer) - Trains and builds models
- Library (.NET Core 2.2.5) - (FileClassifier.lib) - Contains all of the common code for the entire project
- Job Uploader (.NET Core 2.2.5) - (FileClassifier.JobManager.Uploader) - Simple command line tool to submit new jobs
- REST Service (ASP.NET Core 2.2.5) - (FileClassifier.JobManager.REST) - REST Service and Dashboard of the Jobs
- Job Worker (.NET Core 2.2.5) - (FileClassifier.JobManager.Worker) - Self-contained console app
- Console Application (.NET Core 2.2.5)
- Web Application (ASP.NET Core 2.2.5)
- Coverage across all of the projects (.NET Core 3) - (FileClassifier.UnitTests)
Currently the project is broken into a couple major pieces:
- Gather samples
- Add more features to the models
- Create the Job Manager platform
- Re-train Models
- Test Models
Involes deployment of the Job Manager REST Service/Dashboard and then the Job Workers on the various Nodes.
Master branch deployments of the Job Manager REST Service/Dashboard are here: