The “EzzenceBasicBLE” Scene automatically connects to the Ezzence prototype and can release a burst of scent when the user presses the "Burst" button. Note: This project has been tested in MacOS and iOS. When testing in "Play" mode, add a new Aspect ratio for: iPhone 1334x750 Portrait 750x1334 and iPhone 1334x750 Landscape 1334x750 to visualize the UI.
Xcode Signing & Capabilities: Automatically manage signing (fill out your Team, etc).
Xcode Info.plist: This app needs BLE to connect to the Ezzence device, therefore the app's Info.plist must contain an NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
Unity Project Settings: Write a message for “Location usage Description”.
This project contains the Arduino code to connect to Ezzence. Instructions to install the code in the device:
Install the following libraries in Arduino:
- Tools > Manage Libraries > Adafruit BluefruitLE nrF51 by Adafruit
- Tools > Manage Libraries > “Arduino Low Power”. Arduino will also ask you to install RTCZero, Install all.
- Tools > Boards Manager > Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+) by Arduino.
Restart Arduino. Turn on the prototype and make sure that the Port is detecting Arduino/Genuino Zero and that the Board is with Native USB Port when plugging Ezzence.