Completing this lab demonstrates your ability to code interact with the database using the Spring Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) template.
Implement all methods in BookShopRepository so that all tests in BookShopRepositoryTests pass. As noted in the lecture videos, there are lots of ways to make it work but simple is better and less code is better
- Copy the starter code from here into a new, private repository in your personal GitHub account using these instructions substituting this repository URL
for the one referenced in that document - Create a new branch for your code changes as described in these instructions
Important You may not change the code in any test cases. The only permissible difference between the base version of the JUnit test class and yours is yours will have no tests commented out and the file is otherwise identical.
- Open BookShopRepositoryTests
- For each test, add just enough code in BookShopRepository to make the test pass
- Once all tests are passing, commit your changes
Hint: Notice the import statements in BookShopRepository. I left a few initially unused imports in there to guide your solution
- Create a pull request for your branch using these instructions
- Submit the assignment in Blackboard as described in these instructions
NOTE: I will provide feedback via. comments in your pull request. If you need to amend your work after you issue your initial pull request:
- Commit your updates
- Push your changes to gitHub
- Verify the new commits were automatically added to your open pull request