Hello World app with Amazon SQS, RDS, EBS, Worker/Webtier, Swagger, etc.
Set these environment variables:
Only necessary for "full stack" in the hello-world-rest app. Webtier connects through URL, as long as it is in the security group for RDS.
Master login: devuser/letmeinnow
- Make changes to DB instance via RDS config page: Instances > Instance Actions > Modify (Had to set 'Publicly Available' = Yes here to make it visible over Internet)
- Add my IP to the db security group
- Set the password (again) in the EBS DB configuration section
Enable the keypair in the configuration
Add IP to security group for the instance
jcrump@JCRUMPMAC3:~/jmc/aws$ ssh -i /Users/jcrump/jmc/aws/jcrump-adminuser.pem ec2-user@ec2-54-202-64-115.us-west2.compute.amazonaws.com
Once you can use 'mysql' to log in to the DB instance, set up the schema:
% mysql -h aaxfgfb2zfv3xb.cfkkwmdp41io.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com -P 3306 --user=devuser --password=letmeinnow
create database hello_world;
use hello_world;create table greetings (id INT unique not null, value VARCHAR(1024));
insert into greetings (id, value) values (1, "Hello Amazon");
select * from greetings;
- Use my 'adminuser' AWS account
- Local Swagger: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- AWS Swagger: http://jmc-helloworld-env.us-west-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/swagger-ui.html
- No port, it's mapped automatically
curl -X GET -i 'http://jmc-helloworld-env.us-west-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/greeting?id=2'
Payload message:
{ "id": 99, "value": "Hello World 99!" }