This portfolio site is designed to showcase my work and provide a way to contact me.
It uses React on top of the Gatsby framework for static site generation. At build time, it fetches repository data from the GitHub API to display a selection of my public repositories.
The UI is styled with Tailwind CSS and daisyUI. TypeScript is used for type checking, and Biome.js is used for linting and formatting. gatsby-plugin-component-to-image is used to dynamically generate social images from React components.
- Node.js
- Yarn 4
- A GitHub personal access token (PAT) that can be used to access the GitHub API. This token should have public (read-only) access to all repositories as it is used to fetch repository data for the projects section.
- Clone the repo with
. Alternatively, you can download the repository as a zip file and extract it. - Enter the project root with
. - Use
yarn install
to install the app and all of its dependencies. - Configure required environment variables and constants:
environment variable must be set to your GitHub PAT in order to fetch repository data, otherwise the build will fail. An easy way to do this is to create an.env.development
file in the project root like so:# .env.development GH_TOKEN=your_github_pat_here
The site is configured to fetch repository data from the
GitHub account by default. If you want to fetch data for a different user, replace theusername.github
value with your own username in src/config/metadata/site.ts.
- Use
yarn develop
to start the development server oryarn build
to build the site for production.
This project can be a bit unwieldy, so here's some more details that may help you adapt it to your own needs.
Config files for tools like TypeScript or Gatsby are located in the root directory.
Page content is defined in Markdown files under src/content/. These files are automatically read by gatsby-source-filesystem, transformed by gatsby-transformer-remark, and exposed via the GraphQL API for use in pages.
Most of the remaining values used throughout the site are defined in config files under src/config/. This includes page metadata and page content like previous employment roles or projects. Values defined in these config files are read by src/common/config-manager.ts and src/content-manager.ts, which validate, transform, and expose the data via functions. This allows for better type safety and less boilerplate code than using Gatsby's data layer.
More sensitive configuration values like the author's phone number and email address can be set via environment variables like so:
# .env.development
AUTHOR_PHONE='(555) 555-5555'
Currently, these values are only used for the contact section of the resume.
yarn develop
runs the app in development mode. This will start the development server at localhost:8000 (by default). The project will automatically be rebuilt when changes are made.yarn build
generates a production build of the app, which you can then serve withyarn serve
. The site can be viewed at localhost:9000 (by default).yarn clean
can be used to clear the local Gatsby cache if you encounter any issues with stale data/dependencies.yarn typecheck
can be used to perform type checking using TypeScript.yarn lint
andyarn format
can be used to apply linting and formatting fixes to the codebase using Biome.js.
See the Gatsby CLI docs for additional commands and options. To run an arbitrary command, prefix it with yarn
(ex. yarn gatsby repl
- Gatsby is a React-based static site generator that runs on Node.js. It uses GraphQL to query data from various sources.
- There is no backend. The site is statically generated and hosted on GitHub Pages. APIs from GitHub, Botpoison, and Formspark are used to fetch data and handle form submissions in true Jamstack fashion
- TypeScript is used for type checking. Types are defined in the files where they are used when possible. Shared types are located under src/types.
- Components are styled with Tailwind CSS and daisyUI. daisyUI extends Tailwind CSS with pre-designed component classnames, which makes it easier to bootstrap components quickly.
π .
βββ π biome.json # Config for Biome.js (linting, formatting, etc.)
βββ π CNAME
βββ π gatsby-browser.ts # Client-side code using the Gatsby browser APIs (global component wrappers, etc.)
βββ π gatsby-config.ts # Config for Gatsby
βββ π gatsby-node.ts # Server-side code using the Gatsby node APIs (page creation, node transformation, etc.)
βββ π package.json
βββ π tailwind.config.ts # Config for Tailwind CSS
βββ π tsconfig.json # Config for TypeScript
βββ π public # Build output from Gatsby
βββ π src # Source code
βββ π common # Reusable utility functions and managers used in both server-side and client-side code
β βββ π utils # Utility functions
βββ π components # React components
βββ π config # Config files used to define values used throughout the site
β βββ π content # Page content (projects, skills, etc.) available via content-manager.ts
β βββ π metadata # Metadata for the site and individual pages (title, description, etc.)
βββ π content # Markdown content ingested by Gatsby plugins and available via GraphQL queries
βββ π images # Static images
βββ π node # Server-side only code (page creation, node transformation, etc.)
βββ π pages # Standalone pages automatically created by Gatsby
βββ π styles # Stylesheets
βββ π templates # Templates used for generating pages programmatically from gatsby-node.ts
β βββ π page # Templates for normal pages
β βββ π social-image # Templates for pages used to generate social image previews
βββ π types # Reusable TypeScript types
βββ π content
Generated with lsd --tree --icon-theme=unicode -I node_modules -I ".*" -I "*.tsx"
x.1 releases mark the final update for a given design, while x.0 releases are reserved for major redesigns. Changes between the first and last release of a design are not explicitly versioned.
This project is not open to code contributions, but feedback and bug reports are always welcome.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details. This project includes various resources which carry their own copyright notices and license terms. See for more details.