This is an app to manually track expenses. General idea is:
- Create categories
- Store expenses
- List monthly expenses
- Search for expenses
- Generate reports and charts about monthly/yearly expenses
There is a little more information on this article.
This app will not automatically integrate with your bank and retrieve your expenses.
- Database in PostgreSQL
- Next.js for frontend and backend.
- Material UI: starting point was this example.
- Charts powered by Google Charts and this library.
It's not. You can run in locally or host it anywhere you like, though. If you want to do it for free, I suggest Vercel and ElephantSQL.
If you have Node.js and docker installed, you just need to:
git clone
- choose a path for docker to store the volume used by the PostgreSQL database and set it on the docker-compose.yml file
- start the containers with
cd granola/database; docker-compose up
- if you want to use sample user (user = 'sample', password = '123456'), categories and expenses
- on database folder, create a .env.local file with
- run
- on database folder, create a .env.local file with
- go to backend-frontend folder and create a .env.local file with variables
PG_CONNECTION_STRING=postgres://postgres:my_postgresql_password@localhost:5432/postgres and JWT_SECRET='your-own-secret'
- run
npm install
- run
npm run dev
Authentication: idea was derived from Jason Watmore's blog post: Next.js 11 - User Registration and Login Tutorial with Example
My goal was to create a lightweight solution so it could be hosted for free (ElephantSQL for instance offers free plan with 20MB of data).
Therefore, I decided not to include some columns (such as time_created) to save space.
One interesting thing to keep in mind about space in PostgreSQL is the so-called "Column tetris" - the order or your columns might impact disk usage!
The main categories and sub-categories can be represented in the same table with the Adjavency list model, described in this very nice article.
Keep in mind that:
- deleting one parent category will delete child categories as well
- deleting a category will delete all expenses related to this category
For easier understanding, import this file into Postman.
- POST /api/users/authenticate
- POST /api/users/register
- DELETE /api/users
- GET /api/categories
- POST /api/categories
- PATCH /api/categories/:id
- DELETE /api/categories/:id
- GET /api/expenses
- GET /api/expenses/:year/:month
- GET /api/expenses/years
- POST /api/expenses
- POST /api/expenses/recurring
- PUT /api/expenses/:id
- DELETE /api/expenses
- DELETE /api/expenses/:id
- GET /api/stats/year-evolution
- GET /api/stats/month-evolution
- GET /api/stats/category-report