A treemap based graph layout visualization using D3 based off of the method presented by Chris Muelder and Kwan-Liu Ma.
This module is written using the NodeJS module specification and will require module.exports as a globally defined variable to be used. See index.html for an example of using it in a browser setting.
var graph = {'nodes': [...], edges: [...]}
var svg = d3.select('#mySvg')
var treemapper = treemapGraph(d3)
treemapper(graph, svg)
Returns treemapper function. Arguments: d3
treemapper(graph, d3Selection)
Applies hierarchical clustering to graph and attaches treemap to d3Selection. Returns nothing.
Arguments: Graph, D3 Selection
Used to update margin and width of visualization. Returns treemapper for method chaining.
Arguments: Object with 'margin' and 'width' properties.
Used to update margin and width of visualization. Returns treemapper for method chaining.
Arguments: Object with 'margin' and 'width' properties.
Used to update treemap mode. Returns treemapper for method chaining.
Arguments: String
If given nodes in graph have a 'group' property, and mode is set to true, this will color edges between nodes of similar group with the same color. Returns treemapper for method chaining.
Arguments: Boolean
Replaces default complete linkage strategy of hierarchical clustering algorithm. Returns treemapper for method chaining.
Arguments: Function
Replaces default edge comparator of hierarchical clustering algorithm. This function should define edges as a partially ordered set and will define "greatest" edge. Returns treemapper for method chaining.
Arguments: Function
type Node :: Id {, Group }
type Nodes :: Null | [Node]
type Id :: Number
type Group :: Number
type Edge :: Source, Target, Value
type Edges :: Null | [Edge]
type Source :: Number
type Target :: Number
type Value :: Number
type Graph :: Edges, Nodes
type LinkageStrategy :: Number, Number -> Number
type EdgeComparator :: Edge, Edge -> Boolean