Converts a POSIX path within the filesystem of a linux installation on win10's linux subsystem to a native path within the host filesystem.
Supports symbolic links
Supports paths through /mnt/*/
Set the following variable in your bash profile:
export JFC_WINPATH_FS_ROOT="C:\path\to\linuxfs"
then refer to -h:
# -- help info
# Summary:
# Converts a posix path within a linux installation on the linux submodule of win10 to
# a native path within the host filesystem.
# supports symbolic links
# supports paths through /mnt/*/ e.g: mnt/c converts to c:\ and so on
# Example Usage:
# Workspace/glfw
# [ -h {path} ]
# option: -h
# print this help page
# option: NONE
# echoes the conversion of pwd
# option: {path}
# echoes the conversion of the given {path}
# Config:
# JFC_WINPATH_FS_ROOT: the windows path to the root of your linux installation's filesystem
# Author:
# Written by Joseph Cameron |
# Created on 2019-03-31.
example uses:
$explorer.exe $(
: this would open the current directory in ms explorer
$code.exe $( main.c)
: this would open main.c in vs code
consider adding winpath to your path for the most convenience.