About: MSS-Maximum Likelihood test for fluctuation analysis implemented for python2.7. Also calculates 95% confidence intervals.
Inputs: -f: Colony Counts in a text file. For each plate counted, enter the number of counted colonies as a single line entry Example: 23 45 1 0 0 156 1501 . . . -n: Number of cells plated. Input an integer amount > 0. For the test to be valid, the number of cells plated must be the same (approximately) for each experiment. -f: Percentage of culture plated. Input a decimal number 0<x<=1.
Outputs: Adjusted M = The number of mutants per culture as estimated by the MSS-Maximum Likelihood method Mutation Rate = The probability of mutation per cell per division or generation 95% Confidence Interval = Confidence Interval as calculated in W.A. Rosche, P.L. Foster Determining mutation rates in bacterial populations Methods, 20 (2000), pp. 4–17
Example Usage:
python2.7 mss-mle_calc.py -f test_data.txt -n 100000 -p 0.15
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: -0.000000
Iterations: 12
Function evaluations: 24
Adjusted M = 19.3514954238
Mutation Rate = 0.000134134344926
95% Confidence Interval = [ 0.000156447851887 , 0.000113118237358 ]