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                     Z80Tube Emulator in C Version 0.28
                     J.G.Harston -
                 70 Camm Street, Walkley, Sheffield, S6 3TR
                             Date: 31-Jan-2019

cZ80Tube emulates a Z80 coprocessor, written in C. On running, various
command line options can be given:

        cZ80 [-mos file] [file [params]]

-mos    Provide a MOS file to load to the top of memory. This can provide
        some interface facilities between the Z80 environment and the host. 
        The default MOS code just passes all calls over. The MOS provided
        within !Z80Tube provides some command line facilities that need to
        be executed from with the Z80 environment to work properly.

If a file is given, it is loaded into the Z80's memory. Any extra parameters
are copied to the command buffer at &0080 for the loaded program to collect
and deal with. An example command line would be:

        cZ80 -mos files/MOS TestProg This is a command line

This would start the emulator using the MOS file provided with cZ80Tube,
load the file TestProg into memory, copy the text 'This is a command line'
to &0080, and enter the code at the relevant entry point.

To compile cZ80Tube compile the file z80tube.c with the appropriate
identifier defined with the compiler's -D option. The identifiers checked
for are in the host.h file. There are batch files in the build directory
that compile for various platforms.

MakeCCode is a BBC BASIC program that generates the z80.c source file for
the Z80 engine. It can be run on cZ80Tube itself to create the source file
with a command such as:

        cZ80 -mos files/MOS files/BBCBasic src/MakeCCode > src/z80.c

MOS Implementation
There is a limited MOS host implementation. Calls to the standard I/O
routines at &FFCE to &FFF7 provide a minimum of the following functions.
These can be expanded by added relevant code to hostio.c

 HL=>command string to pass to system.

 A=0, L<>0: Return host type - L=6 - RISC OS, L=8 - Unix, L=32 - Win/DOS

 A=128:     Read device or buffer (ADVAL)
  HL=&FFFF    - returns 0 if no keyboard input pending, <>0 otherwise
  HL=&007F    - waits for and returns 16-bit keypress

 A=129:     Wait for byte from input in HL or scan for keypress (INKEY)
  HL=&0000+cs - max time in centiseconds to wait, return 8-bit keypress
  HL=&8000+cs - max time in centiseconds to wait, return 16-bit keypress
  HL=&FExx    - scan for internal keypress
  HL=&FF00    - return hardware type
  HL=&FFxx    - scan for keypress, see keyscan table
  If the input stream is the console (keyboard), then HL=&8000+cs will
  return HL=&00xx for standard characters, and HL=&01xx for function
  and cursor keys, as shown in the keycode table.

 A=131:    Return lowest address in user memory (&0100)

 A=132:    Return highest address in user memory (contents of &0006/7)

 A=134:    Return L=POS and H=VPOS

 A=0: Read line to address at (HL,HL+1).

 Writes a characters to the output stream. If the output stream is not
 redirected then the characters are interpreted to perform the following
 console functions:
   8 - left, 9 - right, 10 - down, 11 - up, 12 - CLS, 13 - CR
   30 - home, 31,x,y - move to position

 If cZ80Tube is built with CONVDU_ANSI defined then ANSI colour sequences
 are used to select text colours with:
   17,n - select text colour
   20   - select default text colours
   22,n - clear screen and select default text colours

 Waits for and returns a byte from the input stream. If the input stream is
 attached to the console (keyboard), returns a keypress byte. This is the
 ASCII code of the key pressed or an 8-bit top-bit set byte for function
 keys and cursor keys, as shown in the keycode table.

 Whole file operations. (HL,HL+1)=>filename
 A=&FF - Load a file to address in (HL+2,3,4,5) if (HL+6)=0.
 A=&00 - Save a file. (HL+2,3,4,5)=address of first byte,
        (HL+6,7,8,9)=address of byte after last byte.

Console I/O
cZ80Tube uses the JGH Console I/O library. This returns keycodes ordered in a
sensible manner rather than the apparently random order of the native Windows
keycodes, and allows top-bit set function and editing keys to be distingiushed
from top-bit set characters.

Keycode Top-Bit Table
Function and editing keys return the following codes when OSBYTE 129 or
OSRDCH is called. OSBYTE 129,&8000+cs will return the 16bit value &0180+x to
distinguish function and editing keys from normal topbit set keys, such as
accented characters. Alt plus printable characters returns &0100+x where x is
the normal character, unless the Alt-keypress already returns a top-bit-set

|   | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8  |  9 |  A  |  B  |  C |  D |  E |  F |
|18x| F0| F1| F2| F3| F4|  F5|  F6|  F7|  F8 |  F9| F10 | F11 | F12| F13| F14| F15|
|19x|sF0|sF1|sF2|sF3|sF4| sF5| sF6| sF7| sF8 | sF9| sF10| sF11|sF12|sF13|sF14|sF15|
|1Ax|cF0|cF1|cF2|cF3|cF4| cF5| cF6| cF7| cF8 | cF9| cF10| cF11|cF12|cF13|cF14|cF15|
|1Bx|aF0|aF1|aF2|aF3|aF4| aF5| aF6| aF7| aF8 | aF9| aF10| aF11|aF12|aF13|aF14|aF15|
|1Cx|   |   |   |   |   |    | Ins| Del| Home| End| PgDn| PgUp| <- | -> | Dn | Up |
|1Dx|   |   |   |   |   |sTAB|sIns|sDel|sHome|sEnd|sPgDn|sPgUp| s<-| s->| sDn| sUp|
|1Ex|   |   |   |   |   |cTAB|cIns|cDel|cHome|cEnd|cPgDn|cPgUp| c<-| c->| cDn| cUp|
|1Fx|   |   |   |   |   |aTAB|aIns|aDel|aHome|aEnd|aPgDn|aPgUp| a<-| a->| aDn| aUp|
As can be seen from the table, bit 5 and bit 4 hold the state of the Shift,
Control and Alt keys.

Note that some versions of Windows don't recognise the Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys
properly, particularly with the editing keys; and some environments do not pass
on some keycodes.

Keyscan Table
When calling OSBYTE 129 with HL=&FFxx to scan for a key being pressed, the Acorn
standard values are recognised. Note that some versions of Windows do not
recognise the Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys properly.

-001  Shift          -017  Q             -033  F0/Print    -049  1
-002  Ctrl           -018  3             -034  W           -050  2
-003  Alt            -019  4             -035  E           -051  D
-004  Left Shift     -020  5             -036  T           -052  R
-005  Left Ctrl      -021  F4            -037  7           -053  6
-006  Left Alt       -022  8             -038  I           -054  U
-007  Right Shift    -023  F7            -039  9           -055  O
-008  Right Ctrl     -024  -             -040  0           -056  P
-009  Right Alt      -025  ^             -041  _           -057  [
-010  Mouse Select   -026  Left          -042  Down        -058  Up
-011  Mouse Menu     -027  Keypad 6      -043  Keypad 8    -059  Keypad +
-012  Mouse Adjust   -028  Keypad 7      -044  Keypad 9    -060  Keypad -
-013                 -029  F11           -045  Break       -061  Keypad Enter
-014                 -030  F12           -046  `,~   ',?   -062  Insert
-015                 -031  F10           -047  ?,Yen       -063  Home
-016                 -032  Scroll Lock   -048  Backspace   -064  PgUp

-065  Caps Lock      -081  Shift Lock    -097  TAB         -113  Escape
-066  A              -082  S             -098  Z           -114  F1
-067  X              -083  C             -099  Space       -115  F2
-068  F              -084  G             -100  V           -116  F3
-069  Y              -085  H             -101  B           -117  F5
-070  J              -086  N             -102  M           -118  F6
-071  K              -087  L             -103  , <         -119  F8
-072  @              -088  ;             -104  . >         -120  F9
-073  :              -089  ]             -105  / ?         -121  \,|
-074  Return         -090  Delete        -106  Copy/End    -122  Right
-075  Keypad /       -091  Keypad # #,~  -107  Keypad 0    -123  Keypad 4
-076  Keypad Del     -092  Keypad *      -108  Keypad 1    -124  Keypad 5
-077  Keypad .       -093  Keypad ,      -109  Keypad 3    -125  Keypad 2
-078  Num Lock       -094  =,+           -110  NoConvert   -126  WinLeft
-079  PgDn           -095  Left  \,|     -111  Convert     -127  WinRight
-080  ',"  ',@       -096  Right \,_     -112  Kana        -128  WinMenu

-121: if keyboard has a single \ | key it is this keycode
-95:  key between left Shift and Z, usually labelled \ |
-96:  key between ? and right Shift, usually labelled \ _

Zero Page Locations
0000:  JP RESET         Jumping to location &0000 is used to quit a program. 
                        The emulator sets this to point to MOS_start+3, the
                        entry to quit the emulator, and starts running
                        programs with the return address &0000 on the

0003:   DEFB 0          IOBYTE within CP/M
0004:   DEFB 0          Drive and User within CP/M

0005:   JP BDOS         Jumping to location &0005 is used to call a CPM BDOS
                        routine. The emulator sets this to point to
                        MOS_start, which returns with all registers
                        unchanged. When CP/M is running, the BDOS points
                        this entry to the BDOS service routine. The value at
                        &0006/7, the destination of the jump can also be
                        used as the value of BDOS+6, the byte after the
                        highest byte in memory available to the user.

 to                     These locations are not set to anything.

000E:   POP HL          Calling location &000E with load the HL register
                        with the address of the location after the call, ie
                        CALL &000E can be thought of as LD HL,PC, as a
                        complement to JP (HL) which can be thought of as
                        LD PC,HL.
000F:   JP (HL)         Calling location &000F will jump to the address in
                        the HL register, ie CALL &000F can be thought of as
                        CALL (HL) as a complement to JP (HL).

 to                     These locations are not set to anything.

0038:                   Error restart. The MOS initialises this to the
 to                     default error handler, and any foreground program
003A:                   will set it to its own error handler.

 to                     These locations are not set to anything.

0080:                   Parameter buffer. This byte contains the length of
                        any passed parameter string, ie zero if no
                        parameters present.
0081:                   This buffer contains any passed parameters. Note
 to                     that there may not be a CR at the end of this
00FF:                   string.

Z80 MOS Entry Points
PRHEX     &FFAA  Print A in hex
On entry: A = value to be printed
On exit:  A is corrupted

This routine prints out the A register in hexadecimal to two digits and
leading zeros. This routine is overwritten by the Acorn BIOS in CP/M.

PR2HEX    &FFAD  Print HL in hex
On entry: HL = value to be printed
On exit:  A is corrupted
This routine prints out the HL register in hexadecmial to four digits and
leading zeros. This routine is overwritten by the Acorn BIOS in CP/M.

PRTEXT    &FFB3  Print in-line text
On entry: -
On exit:  A = 0

This routine prints out the text following the call to OSASCI. The text
needs to be terminated with a zero byte, eg:
          CALL PRTEXT
          \ continue here

PRSTRING  &FF9B  Print text
On entry: HL = address of string to print
On exit:  HL = address after &00 byte after string printed
          A  = 0

This routine prints out the text pointed to by HL. The text needs to be
terminated with a zero byte.

OSFIND    &FFCE  Open or close a file
OSGBPB    &FFD1  Multiple byte file access
OSBPUT    &FFD4  Put a byte to a file
OSBGET    &FFD7  Get a byte from a file
OSARGS    &FFDA  Read or set file arguments
OSFILE    &FFDD  Load or save file
OSRDCH    &FFE0  Input a character
OSASCI    &FFE3  Print a character, with CR converted to LF,CR
OSNEWL    &FFE7  Print a LF,CR sequence
OSWRCH    &FFEE  Print a character
OSWORD    &FFF1  Do an OSWORD call
OSBYTE    &FFF4  Do an OSBYTE call
OSCLI     &FFF7  Interpret a command

The following three addresses hold system vectors:

BRKV      &FFFA  Address of error handler
EVENTV    &FFFC  Address of event handler
INTV      &FFFE  Address of primary interupt handler

CPU Implementation
All documented Zilog Z80 opcodes are implemented, as well as the unofficial
instructions SLS r, and accessing the upper or lower halves of the index
registers as a single byte register, ie IXL, IXH, IYL, IYH. Currently,
INI[R], IND[R], OTI[R] and OTD[R] are unimplemented and act as NOPs. An IN
instruction issues the Service_Z80TubeIN call and an OUT instruction issues
a Service_Z0TubeOUT call. A Reset issues a Service_Z80TubeReset call.

All indexed rotation/bit instructions manipulate (IX+n) or (IY+n), so, for
example, FDCBnn00 to FDCBnn05 and FDCBnn07 all perform as though they were
FDCBnn06, ie RLC (IY+nn). On a real Z80 the 8bit registers are stored to
after the operation. For instance, FDCBnn00 does a RLC (IY+nn) and then
stores the result in B. This is usually written as RLC (IY+nn)->B.

Sixteen extra instructions have been added to control the emulator and to
comunicate with the host, EDF0 to EDFF.

The bottom seven bits of the R register are incremented every time R is
loaded from, ie every LD A,R instruction, rather than on every instruction
cycle. Bit 7 of R remains the same value as from the last LD R,A

The flags register is manipulated as specified. Unoffical flag effects, such
as bit 5 following bit 5 of an arithmetic result, are not implemented.

  The *BASIC command tries to load and enter a BASIC interpeter. If
  Z80Tube$Basic points to a file, it will be loaded to &0100 and entered
  there. If not, the *BASIC command has no effect.

  When building for Windows the Interupt character cannot be changed from
  CHR$3, so it is disabled instead, and Ctrl-Break is used to generate an
  Escape state. CHR$27 will generate an Escape state when read with GET or
  INKEY unless disabled with *FX229,1.
  When building for UNIX or RISC OS the Escape character is set to CHR$27.

The files directory contains a few useful extra and/or essential items:

BBCBasic   BBC BASIC for Z80.
ClockSp    BBC BASIC benchmark program that determines the speed of the
           interpreter relative to the original BBC B. Running on an A5000
           Z80Tube reports a speed of 2.48MHz. A test on a 900MHz Pentium
           PC reports a speed of 77MHz. A real Z80 CoProcessor reports a
           speed of 2.68MHz.
KBDTest    Display keyboard keypress values.
KeyScan    Display keyscan values.
KeyTest    Graphically display keyscan values.
MOS        Default MOS interface code.

Version History
v0.25 07-Sep-2003
v0.26 31-Aug-2004 Dave Daniels added OSWORD &7F and OSWORD &FF for CPM support.
                  CPI/CPD/LDI/LDD sets P/V flags correctly. I/O memory
                  declarations moved to main.c
v0.27 31-Dec-2018 Updated console module, supports ANSI I/O, added *FX command,
                  updated unix and DOS tty control.
v0.28 31-Jan-2019 Added OSBYTEs to support CP/M, corrected disk error numbers.


Z80Tube Emulator written in portable C






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