A simple python 2 gtf to csv converter.
Stores whole GTF in memory thus will fail on relatively big data. Single thread only.
Works with gzip compressed GTF files and pandas (so please have pandas installed).
GTF file format spec: http://useast.ensembl.org/info/website/upload/gff.html
python gtf_to_csv.py --help
usage: gtf_to_csv.py [-h] -i INFILE [-o OUTFILE]
[-columns COLUMN [COLUMN ...]]
Input GTF file and optional parameters
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INFILE input gtf file
-o OUTFILE output csv file, defaults to `input file name`.csv
-columns COLUMN [COLUMN ...], -c COLUMN [COLUMN ...]
list of columns to write to csv, e. g. `-columns column1 column2 column3`