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Links and Resources
Jim Priest edited this page Dec 18, 2017
10 revisions
- AutoHotkey (Win) http://www.autohotkey.com
- AutoIt (Win) http://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/
- Texter (Win) http://lifehacker.com/238306/lifehacker-code-texter-windows
- TextExpander (Mac) http://www.smileonmymac.com/TextExpander
- Typinator (Mac) http://www.ergonis.com/products/typinator
- Keymando (Mac) http://keymando.com/
- AutoKey (Linux) https://code.google.com/p/autokey/
- Turn Any Action Into a Keyboard Shortcut on Your Mac
- Conemu (Win) https://code.google.com/p/conemu-maximus5/
- cmder (Win) http://bliker.github.io/cmder/
- TCC/LE (Win) http://jpsoft.com/tccle-cmd-replacement.html
- Bashstrap (Mac) https://github.com/barryclark/bashstrap
- IFTTT https://ifttt.com/
- Zapier https://zapier.com/
- Cloudwork https://cloudwork.com/
- Yahoo Pipes http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/
- WeWiredWeb https://wewiredweb.com/editor/
- Converting DOS Batch Files to Shell Scripts
- Bash Introduction (slides) https://speakerdeck.com/62gerente/bash-introduction
- Command-line Basics and Tips
- Gow https://github.com/bmatzelle/gow
- Git bash (installed w/Git)
- Find and Run Robot (Win) http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Mouser/findrun/index.html
- Launchy (Win, Mac, Linux) http://launchy.net
- Alfred (Mac) http://www.alfredapp.com/
- Do (was Gnome Do) (Linux) http://do.cooperteam.net/
- Synapse (Linux) http://mhr3.blogspot.com/2010/11/introducing-synapse-acetylcholine.html
- Skylight (Win) http://www.candylabs.com/skylight
- Clipboard Help+Spell (Win) http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Mouser/clipboardhelpandspell/index.html
- Ditto (Win) http://ditto-cp.sourceforge.net
- ClipMenu (Mac) http://www.clipmenu.com/
- PTHPasteboard (Mac) http://pth.com/products/pthpasteboard/
- Glipper/Klipper (Linux) Available in Gnome and KDE
- Parcellite (Linux) http://parcellite.sourceforge.net/
- CopyQ (cross platform) https://hluk.github.io/CopyQ/
- LastPass (cross platform) http://lastpass.com
- RoboForm (Win) http://www.roboform.com
- Lazarus (Chrome) http://lazarus.interclue.com
- Autofill (Firefox) https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4775
- mDesktop (Win) https://getmdesktop.com/
- Dexpot (Win) http://dexpot.de/index.php?id=home
- VituaWin (Win) http://virtuawin.sourceforge.net
- Mission Control / Spaces (Mac)
- Workspaces (Linux)
- Tasker (Android) http://tasker.dinglisch.net/
- Automating Your World With Tasker http://www.thekludge.com/automating-your-world-with-tasker/
- Llama (Android) http://lifehacker.com/5800147/llama-automates-nearly-any-setting-on-your-android-phone
- aTimeTool (iPhone) http://www.mcleaner.com/iphone_w/atimetool.shtml
- How to Turn Your Android Phone into a Fully-Automated Superphone
- How to Make Your iPhone Read Your Mind
- Windows Cron Service (Win) http://www.intelliadmin.com
- Linux and Mac built in!
- Chocolately (Win) https://chocolatey.org/
- Ninite (Win, Linux) http://ninite.com/
- Bitnami (Cross platform) https://bitnami.com/
Also check out Kitt's "Automate All Things" presentation which was also given at cfObjective 2014 and covers similar tools and concepts. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5y98t6towqysjtv/cfobjective2014-automate.pdf