... code for a node-based api, along with all assets required for build-test-deploy
A request to this app's endpoint /message returns a hard-coded json payload.
Exposes a /health endpoint as a basic health check.
Run build.sh
The unit tests are actually run as part of the build phase.
Hey, fail fast, where-ever possible.
Running app listens on port 5000.
Obviously when you run the app in a container, you can map to whichever host port you like.
Quick, scripted way to get current version of app from pom.xml:
docker run -t --rm --name get_version-$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') \
-w /project \
-v $PWD:/project `# map this git repo root` \
node:10-alpine node -p -e "require('./package.json').version"