Step 1: Compile And Build all five projects
a) Registry Service b) Order Service c) Payment Service d) Cloud Service e) Hystrix Dashboard
Step 2: Run using jar file in given below order. Fist run always Registry service. a) Registry Service b) Order Service c) Payment Service d) Cloud Service e) Hystrix Dashboard
Step 3: open browser and type http://localhost:8761/ will Open Eureka Dashboard with registered all services
Step 4: In new tab, type http://localhost:8989/actuator/ for checking streaming.
Step 5: In new tab, type http://localhost:9195/hystrix for open Hystrix dashbord for monitoring all micro services ORDER-SERVICE and PAYMENT SERVICE
Step 6: Open Postman . a) Postman - http://localhost:8989/order (POST) choose body and file type JOSN.
"id": 1,
"name": "Laptop",
"qty": 5,
"price": 300000
Step 7: Check performance/server is down or work properly on Hystrix dashboard (in Browser)
Thank you