- a META-INF/aop.xml generator (AopXmlGenerator) for AspectJ load-time weaving (LTW).
- an annotation-based transaction manager, similar to Spring but without pulling an entire framework into your services. Here is an example using both.
The generator is controlled through annotations indicating the root of the classes to be weaved, and aspects will be added by scanning the classpath for @Aspect annotations. This scanning process can be limited to specific classes directories.
This generator is intended as an alternative to aspectj-maven-plugin which implements compile-time weaving and thus may provide more flexibility in certain use cases.
See class docs for more details.
If using a classloader hierarchy, make sure you don't load classes twice, ie. in parent and child loaders. Example: Jetty WebApp. Add tx manager to Jetty parent, declare tx api as provided in your webapp! Otherwise, due to Jetty's default handling of such cases, you will end up with two annotation classes and AspectJ might not be able to match them. This is particularly painful because AspectJ runtime tests don't seem to have any verbose option.
There may be open CVEs as this project is largely unmaintained.
-- devel/java/github/aspectj-utils@7872