Bili.TV Downloader is a command line javascript script that allows you to download Bilibili.tv videos in 1080p quality and anime in 720p quality by merging video and audio with FFmepg.
Actualización v1.1 02/11/2024 : https://youtu.be/wiV1PvDF1YM
- Tutorial en Español: https://youtu.be/iFKT-8lCZ-o?si=0QXm_3sXnd5ofV-6
- Normal installation.
- Check this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEnSO6wWGGs
- For those who use git clone:
npm install
- and
node BiliTVDownloader.js
Unzip the .RAR file where you want.
Go to the folder address bar (just above).
- Type cmd and press enter to open a terminal in that folder.
- Once the terminal is open, type:
node BiliTVDownloader.js
Now we only need the link to download BiliBili.tv. I leave you some examples so that you can see the type of link that it has to be:
As an example link we will take the second one that lasts more than 1 hour.
- When I want to copy the link, for some reason cmd does not let me, what you must do is to press the right click of the mouse to be able to paste it.
- Once the link is pasted, enter and wait patiently for it to download and join the video + audio. Here it will depend on your internet and if the BiliBili server is working well lol.
Note: When the download is executed, a Downloads folder will be created in the same folder and the videos will be stored there.
If you encounter any problems or have improvements to suggest, feel free to create an issue or send a pull request!
I'm not the best at programming but I'm still learning!
Find out how to import the Browsing Cookie to be able to download videos in 1080p and Anime in 720p. ✅
Add the option to download subtitles in .str format, only if the user wants it. ❌
- If you are looking to download from BiliBili.com, visit this repo: https://github.com/jjaruna/BBDownEasyGUI