Convert a human readable duration to ms.
import parse from 'parse-duration'
// parse different time units
let ns = parse('1ns') // => 1 / 1e6
let μs = parse('1μs') // => 1 / 1000
let ms = parse('1ms') // => 1
let s = parse('1s') // => ms * 1000
let m = parse('1m') // => s * 60
let h = parse('1h') // => m * 60
let d = parse('1d') // => h * 24
let w = parse('1w') // => d * 7
let mo = parse('1mo') // => y / 12
let y = parse('1y') // => d * 365.25
// compound expressions
parse('1hr 20mins') // => 1 * h + 20 * m
parse('1 hr 20 mins') // => 1 * h + 20 * m
// youtube format
parse('1h20m0s') // => 1 * h + 20 * m
// comma seperated numbers
parse('27,681 ns') // => 27681 * ns
// noisy input
parse('duration: 1h:20min') // => 1 * h + 20 * m
// negatives
parse('-1hr 40mins') // => -1 * h - 40 * m
// exponents
parse('2e3s') // => 2000 * s
// custom output format
parse('1hr 20mins', 'm') // => 80
// add units
parse.unit['μs'] = parse.unit.microsecond
parse('5μs') // => 0.005
Switch the default en locale to another language (see /locale).
import es from 'parse-duration/locale/es.js'
import parse from 'parse-duration'
parse.unit = es
parse('1 hora 20 minutos', 'm') // 80
In sensitive APIs make sure input string is reasonably short (under 100 characters).