A Python implementation of a neural network for recognizing handwritten digits using the MNIST dataset.
This project implements a feedforward neural network from scratch to classify handwritten digits. The model achieves approximately 98% accuracy on the MNIST test set.
- Custom implementation of neural network architecture
- Support for different cost functions (MSE and Cross Entropy)
- Stochastic gradient descent optimization
- Early stopping to prevent overfitting
- Batch processing for efficient training
- Python 3.8+
- NumPy
- tqdm
- pickle
- gzip
The project uses the MNIST dataset, which should be downloaded as mnist.pkl.gz
and placed in the project root directory.
- Ensure all dependencies are installed
- Download the MNIST dataset
- Run the Jupyter notebook
- Input layer: 784 neurons (28x28 pixel images)
- Hidden layer 1: 300 neurons
- Hidden layer 2: 100 neurons
- Output layer: 10 neurons (one for each digit)
The model typically achieves:
- Training accuracy: ~98%
- Test accuracy: ~98%