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Local Version Operating System: Linux
Resources: Docker Docker Compose
If you already have this stuff jump to Usage, otherwise follow the steps bellow
- Docker
Installation guide
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
Check installation
$ docker --version
in case of any problems find help on this link
- Docker-Compose
Installation guide
$ sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.28.2/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose containerd.io
Check installation
$ docker-compose --version
in case of any problems find help on this link
- Access the API Swagger-UI docs
- Books microservice at http://apis.books.bookzzz.store/books/v1/docs
- Stock microservice at http://apis.stock.bookzzz.store/books/v1/docs
- Users microservice at http://apis.users.bookzzz.store/books/v1/docs
- Access the Web app at https://bookzzz.vercel.app/
- Start the terminal in this folder
- On terminal simply type
for Books microservice
~/$ cd apis ~/$ cd api-books ~/api$ docker-compose up --build
for Stock microservice
~/$ cd apis ~/$ cd api-stock ~/api$ docker-compose up --build
for Users microservice
~/$ cd apis ~/$ cd api-users ~/api$ docker-compose up --build
for Web APP
~/$ cd web ~/$ yarn dev
this two commands starts both the MySQL database and Spring Application (the application starts on port 80)
Access the Swagger-UI docs at http://localhost/books/v1/docs
Additionally you can open the MySQL Workbench or a Generic Workbench (which supports MySQL like Beekeeper Studio) and connect to database over
host: localhost:3306 user: myuser password: pass default database: bookzzz