Python chat for CLI
This chat is intended to be used over SSH connection solely in order to improve security. The following requirements below are strictly necessary for this application to work as it was intended to:
- Clone this repo onto your server machine (main target for the application to run).
- Make sure you manage correct access rights to the scripts.
- Create aliases for easier execution of the and scripts. (Check your bash, zsh, fish, etc) --> Usually "runserver" and "runclient" are used.
- Execute "runserver" on the server machine to start accepting connections from clients.
- Make sure you have ssh properly installed.
- Generate your keys with the script.
- Send your keys to the server with the script.
- Having done what is necessary above, execute the command below for quick access:
ssh <server_user>@<server_ip> -t 'bash -ci' < alias on the server machine>
A more practical example would be:
ssh operador@ -t 'bash -ci' runclient