A Lottery that Compromises Time and Prizes
Final group project made for Computer Security @ UBI - Portugal
This project is an application to test a week security implementation in a simulated lottery system.
The idea on this project is to generate four types of tickets, each one with a different security level:
- Level 1: Simple ticket;
- Level 2: Medium ticket;
- Level 3: Rare ticket;
- Level 4: Legendary ticket.
To decrypt the tickets, the unique way is to use brute-force to find the correct key and decrypt the ticket.
This project has a functionality to give the user the possibility to get
The key must have 128 bits, because it is being used AES-128, and also must be generated randomly. For that is used the secrets
module from Python.
- Encryption ticket;
- Ticket level;
- A part of the key given by the server if riddle is guessed correctly;
- AES mode (CBC or CTR);
- HMAC mode (SHA256 or SHA512).
- Decrypted ticket;
- Key discovered;
- If the ticket was decrypted correctly;
- Time wasted to decrypt the ticket.
The user must register to use the application. The user must provide an email (used regex to validate the email), a password (minimum of 8 characters), and also confirms that the password entered matches the password confirmation.
The user must guess a riddle to get 1/8 of the key to decrypt the ticket and supposedly has one chance to guess the riddle, but the user can try again if he/she discover a certain bug in the implementation of that functionality.
The server signs the ticket with an RSA key to ensure the integrity of the ticket. When the user decrypts the ticket, the user must send the ticket to the server to verify if the ticket was really found.
The user can try to guess the riddle as many times as he/she wants.
The 1/8 of the key is saved on program memory, so if the user attacks the program memory, he/she can get a fraction of the key.