Built with Azure Container Apps and deployed here:
- https://www.poorclaresarundel.org
- https://main-web.blackmeadow-04548954.uksouth.azurecontainerapps.io
Run the client app locally with:
pnpm install
pnpm start
Build and run the client app and server app locally with:
pnpm install
pnpm run preview
Debug the server app locally with:
pnpm install
Then in VS Code, run the Debug Server
Build and run the Docker container locally with:
docker compose up --build
First of all a resource group:
az group create -g rg-poorclaresarundel -l UKSouth
The following secrets were created for deployment to Azure:
And an associated Enterprise Application was created in Azure Active Directory: https://portal.azure.com/#view/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ManagedAppMenuBlade/~/Overview/objectId/e8d4b76d-ca09-4670-b3f7-95c65629ff79/appId/fab09edc-4a68-4bd3-ab7c-039c01bf3bfe
They were created using https://github.com/jongio/github-azure-oidc and the following command:
./oidc.sh poorclaresarundel-aca johnnyreilly/poorclaresarundel-aca ./fics.json
We also need a secret for accessing packages from Azure. We're going to be publishing packages to the GitHub container registry. Azure is going to need to be able to access this when we're deploying; so we'll set up a PACKAGES_TOKEN
secret. This is a GitHub personal access token with the read:packages
scope. Learn more
The app also needs a number of secrets created:
- an API key for Mailgun which will be used to send emailsAPPSETTINGS_DOMAIN
- the domain for the email egmg.poorclaresarundel.org
- who automated emails should come from egnoreply@mg.poorclaresarundel.org
- the email address emails should be sent to
To use custom domains with Azure Container Apps you need to create a certificate:
Certificate created with:
sudo openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes \
-keyout poorclaresarundel.org.key -out poorclaresarundel.org.crt -subj "/CN=poorclaresarundel.org" \
-addext "subjectAltName=DNS:poorclaresarundel.org,DNS:www.poorclaresarundel.org,IP:"
sudo chmod +r poorclaresarundel.org.key
cat poorclaresarundel.org.crt poorclaresarundel.org.key > poorclaresarundel.org.pem
and uploaded to environment in the Azure portal.