Release 3.0.0 - Layout Editor MVP
Initial release of MVP Layout Editor functionality to enable signalling schemes to be created and modified without the need to write code (all configuration is done via the UI).
What's supported in Version 3.0.0:
- Schematic editing - points, signals and lines
- SPROG interface - DCC control of signals and points
- Basic interlocking of signals and points
- Save and load of layout schematic and state
What's coming next:
- Interlocking - of distant signals with the home signals ahead
- Schematic editing - Track sections and block instruments
- Automation - sensor events and integration with track sections and signals
- Application documentation
- MQTT networking
Any bug reports and feedback you may have would be gratefully appreciated - specifically:
- What aspects are intuitive? What aspects aren't?
- What aspects do you particularly like?
- What aspects particularly irritate you?
- what features would you like to see next?