Release 3.4.0
What's New in Release 3.4.0:
- Point and line colour selections - to enable colour coding of routes
- Line end-style selections - end-stops and arrow styles can now be specified
- Help text is now displayed in a scrollable window (so it can be extended)
- Enhanced error/warning reporting via popups - reduced reliance on logs
- Layout 'info' function (under Help) allows you to add notes for your layout
- Fixed issue when selecting objects if Canvas is scrolled within the main window
- Various window geometry improvements to keep key UI elements visible on resizing
- Track section occupancy logic corrected for passing shunt-ahead ground signals
- Bugfix to correctly display interlocked signals on Block Instruments 'interlocking' tab
- Bugfix to fit window to schematic following load of a new schematic
- Enabling work for future editor MQTT networking configuration functions
- Note that as a result of this some of the current MQTT library functions have been DEPRECATED