We test our code, but how to deal with APIs?
Should we hope that everything works, or can we check if everything works?
This is a simple helper that can let you run an API in a controlled environment.
Usage example:
IConfiguration configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddInMemoryCollection(new Dictionary<string, string>
{"key1", "value1"},
{"key2", "value2"}
using var host = ApiTestHelper.GetTestHost<Startup>(configuration, ServicesConfiguration);
var response = host.GetHttpResponseMessage("/Get", ApiTestHelper.HttpVerbs.Get)
Instances can be replaced directly in the test, by passing something like:
void ServicesConfiguration(IServiceCollection services)
services.Replace<IConfigReader, ConfigReaderMock>();
services.Replace<IDbConnectionFactory, DbConnectionFactoryMock>();
services.Replace<IDbRepository, FakeDbRepository>();
services.Replace<IMemoryCache, FakeMemoryCache>();
Feel free to contribute to this project.